Finally! CLOTHES!!

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You would be lying if you said you weren't a bit embarrassed, Padparadscha's eyes were so beautiful and hypnotizing. And they were staring right at you, with that same remembrance that that Aculeatus guy had.

"Um, I think yo-" You were interrupted by Padparadscha carefully throwing their arms around you, nearly suffocating Rose. You blinked in confusion as Rutile confusingly slid the baby out of your arms, also understanding that he could break.

Padparadscha's shoulders shook, and delicate sobs escaped their perfect lips. You found yourself rubbing their back beneath all of their hair, "Hey now, it's okay.." You mumbled, trying to soothe the crying Gem.

"They took you away, I... I thought I would never see you again, Pearl." Padparadscha's grip slightly tightened, their embrace was so familiar. You found yourself relaxing in their hold, resting your chin on their shoulder. "My name's Misery." You muttered. They backed up, making you nearly fall forward from the sudden motion.

"Wha- But-" "Padparadscha, this is Misery, they washed up on the White Shore yesterday. If they were Pearl, don't you think they would be seen on the Chord Shore? Or shattered from your hold?" Rutile interrupted, having a discomforted look as Rose yanked on their hair.

Padparadscha's eyes widened in understanding, they took a deep breath, holding a different look in their eyes. "Nice to meet you, Misery, my name is Padparadscha." They held their hand out. You grabbed their hand shaking it politely, "Nice to meet you, as you already know, I am Misery."

"That name sounds so familiar... Weren't you the one who sent that letter?" Padparadscha pointed out. You froze, "Are you 'P'?" Your brows raised in surprise. Their pouted lips stretched to a lazy smile, "Yeah, sorry that I didn't put my whole name in there, I was about to fall asleep in the middle of writing the letter." Padparadscha apologized sheepishly.

You waved your hands wildly, "No, no! It's totally fine, I was going to do the same thing!" You giggled. Rose whimpered at the lack of motherly love he was receiving, and began to cry. A crack appeared on Rutile's face in annoyance, "I can already tell we will not get along." They mumbled, shoving the bundle into your arms.

Padparadscha's eyes held a small spark of interest in them, having never seen such a small creature before. "Oh! Is this the 'son' thing you mentioned in your letter? May I?" They held out their hands. You smiled, resting Rose correctly in Padparadscha's arms.

Rose calmed down even faster than usual, looking up at Padparadscha with joy. "Wow, it's so tiny and cute." They mumbled in amazement. You tried to hold in your laugh, the look of wonder on their face was adorable!

You remembered that you had tons of questions to ask, and snuck a glance at Rutile to see if they were still paying attention. Turns out, Rutile was dead asleep, much to your surprise and relief. "Hey, Padparadsch-" You looked back to Padparadscha, nearly helping in surprise when you saw them only a few inches from your face.

"Don't worry, we can go for a walk and talk about it." Padparadscha spoke in a calming voice. You sighed, nodding in agreement, better out there than in this gigantic place. "First, let's change your clothing." He smirked mischievously, gesturing to all of you. You looked down and squealed in embarrassment to see that you were wearing a robe that ended barely past your thighs, and it showed a generous amount of your cleavage, much to your dismay.

And you were wearing nothing under.

You pulled it down as much as you could without ripping it or revealing your chest, so that you could cover a bit of your legs, but there wasn't enough fabric to do so. Padparadscha heartily laughed at your situation, and slowly stood up, careful not to harm Rose, who was still in their arms.

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