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I didn't like the last chapter, I felt like it wasn't..... torture-ish enough, so I might edit that one later. Oh I changed the title, in case you haven't noticed. I realized that only like two letters had been sent, and there hasn't been much happening with letters, so I changed it!


"Padpradscha, please wake up!" Your voice echoed throughout Padparadscha's dark mind. Their eyes snapped open, they bolted upright and sucked in heavy breaths. Your tears flowed freely as you threw your arms around the pink humanoid rock, "You started screaming and crying, I.. I didn't know what to do." You admitted, looking up at Padparadscha with glazed green eyes.

Their brows creased as they wrapped their arms around your figure, "Every time I feel like I'll be okay, things gets worse." Padparadscha whispered, holding your face in their hands. Padparadscha looked into your eyes, smiling through their grief, "I'm sorry for worrying you like that." They wiped your tears away with their thumbs.

Your bottom lips quivered as you tackled him into another hug, "I feel like I need to be worried, Padpa." You sniffled. Padparadscha felt their breath hitch at the nickname, the same one their late lover once called them by.

"You humans are so weird." They chuckled, gently resting their chin on top of your head. You grinned into their bare chest, laughing weakly, "As long as you know I care."

You two sat there for several minutes, until you felt Padparadscha stiffen. You looked up at them, "Pad-" "Misery, I need you to get out of here." They whispered, not tearing their eyes away from the sky for a second.

You slowly turned around to see a strange black cloud of sorts, "Are those the Lunarians?" You whispered in slight panic. You felt a hum from their chest, confirming your dreaded guess. "You go and tell Sensei while I hold them back." Padparadscha instructed as the Sunspot revealed the Moon People.

"But, Padpa! You don't even have a s-" "GO!" Padparadscha yelled out, pulling you to your feet and pushing you roughly. You yelped at the force, but began to run as fast as your human legs could take you.


Padparadscha looked back up, wondering if the stray voice was just their imagination. One Lunarian was pointing at where you were, "Human...!" They whispered. Soon enough, the other Lunarians began to mumble the same word in a frenzy. They were all pointing at you, their grip on their weapons tightening as they totally ignored Padparadscha.

Padparadscha's eyes widened, the Sunspot began to follow your disappearing figure. Their nets were prepared, as they looked down with rolled back eyes in excitement.




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