Pearl Wasn't Enough, But A Human...

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Your entire body froze with fear, "Wh-What...?" You managed to croak. Midnight crept towards you, "Pearl was too perfect, too advanced for such a primitive life as this." They cackled.

Where was Padparadscha?!

"The entire time we were together, Pearl took my voice away. I became nothing but a shadow, and no one even knew I existed. I watched as my siblings were tormented by Pearl's cruel antics. Siblings that hated Lunarians for centuries, leap onto Sunspots to be taken away." Midnight inhaled so fast, they arched their back until they faced the wall behind them.

"And then, I realized, " They rested a finger to their chin, but you were currently trying to escape the room. Midnight snapped forward, their maniacal eyes drowning you with absolute horror.

"What would happen if Pearl was out of the picture?!" You screamed, praying that Padparadscha would come to your rescue. Your screams died down in an instant, with Midnight's cold, chilling hand grasping your neck.

Midnight's eyes calmed down, but there was still hatred flaring from within them. "If Pearl was away, everyone would be happy again. Loved ones wouldn't shatter themselves or kill themselves if Pearl was gone." They spoke in a raspy voice. Slowly, you were raised up by their hand, quickly losing air.

You blindly crawled at Midnight's hand, tears pricking your eyes as bruises began to form. "But it wasn't enough for me. I needed more. The aura I was born with is Midnight, and I had shown my true colors on that day...." Your face began to heat up and your lungs burned and screamed for oxygen.

Midnight's features softened as they held you in the air, "You look so alike, you know that Misery?" They whispered, using their other hand to graze your cheek. "The look of betrayal, hurt and fear... It's all the same. This is exactly how I shattered Pearl all those centuries ago." The hatred creases appeared once more.

"I cant wait to see how the life in the pretty emerald eyes fade aw-!"

In an instant, Midnight's head was slashed off of their neck, their body fell to the ground, still holding you. The hands loosened, and you took deep breaths as you landed in another pair of arms. You looked up, letting your tears flow at the sight of hot pink hair.

"Padpar-" "It's okay.." They interrupted you. Cautiously, Padparadscha pulled you close, so that you wouldn't panic. To their surprise, you threw your arms around their shoulder, and sobbed. Your body was still shaking from the terror and murderous aura you felt from Midnight. They were really going to kill you.

Padparadscha didn't know what to do, but rubbed your back in comfort. You began to feel tired, despite the fear keeping your mind awake. The sun was going down, meaning that it was going to be time for bed.

You leaned against the taller Gem, and felt them hold up in their arms bridal style. Your arms never left their neck, the feeling of someone who could protect you was the only thing comforting you at the moment.

"Wait.. Where's Rose?" You looked up, you did not want your child near that maniac.

Jade happened to be around the corner, they were following the pink Gem when Padparadscha raced over. They took in the scene and hid Rose's face in their chest, "What happened here?!" They whispered loudly.

"Attempted Murder." Padparadscha growled, glaring down at the head of Midnight. Their grin was still frozen on their face, despite them not being conscious. You instantly looked away, that was the face of a Gem that nearly killed you just now. Despite their beauty, their antics were downright hideous.

Jade nodded, "I will report to Sensei immediate-" "Wait!" You cried out as they began to race off. Jade paused in mid run, blinking in confusion. Your arms reached out, "Let me hold him?" You whimpered, you needed to feel your son in your arms. If you couldn't protect yourself, you could at least try and protect your own child.

In a flash, Jade carefully laid the rose pink Gem in your arms. You, having gotten used to the weight for several months since his birth, smiled at the heavy weight. Rose looked up at you with wide, innocent eyes, unknowing of the current events.

You felt even more tears flow, "It's always one or the other that's in danger." You chuckled bitterly as Jade raced off. Padparadscha frowned down at you, "Pe- Misery, you will never have to worry about that as long as you're by my side."

Looking up at Padparadscha, your green eyes creased along with your tired smile. You rested your head against their chest, on a part that didn't have the filled holes in fear that they would slip out.


And with that you fell asleep in Padparadscha's arms.



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