Pearl Speaks Up

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Darkness, everywhere around you. You felt warm, and you were okay with it. All you really wanted at the moment was just some sleep. It had been a very long and wild day, from washing up on this island, to nearly getting killed.

But now, you could relax.

"Hello Misery."


You opened your eyes, looking around to see the owner of the voice. The darkness slowly formed into a beautiful underwater scenery. Wait, you could still breathe underwater, right?

Coral was everywhere, all different colors and shapes. In the center of it all, was a gigantic clam. It was a beautiful pearly white, but you felt intimidated instead of awed. As if there was threat inside of the clam.

It opened, revealing an unfamiliar gem. You haven't seen this one in the school before, so it was hard to remember. They laid in the cusion-like 'tongue' as though they were royalty, with their arms resting outwards, and one leg crossed over the other.

Her glare was nothing like you've ever seen. It bore into your soul, but seemed to already know you well. The smirk was even worse, like they discovered some kind of advantage over you. With her sparkling short white hair, and narrow cloudy eyes, you suddenly realized who she was.

"You're Pearl, aren't you?" You spoke in a low tone. Her face softened, making her look even more beautiful than before, "The one and only, love." Oh, how smooth her voice was, like the flat surface of water right before a ripple was made. The small chuckle she gave to herself was like the sound of spring time's welcoming.

You shook your head out of your thoughts, trying to hide the blush on your face. "You make it sound like you were flawless." You remarked. Pearl froze, before her brows creased in slight anger, as though she was upset that you dared to talk back. You shuddered slightly, feeling the same way.

"And what do you mean by that?" Pearl smirked, resting her chin on the back of her hands. If you didn't know any better, you would possibly mistake her for a princess, a certain kind of character you used to hear about. This is where you had to be careful, one more wrong word could possibly ruin your sleeping forever.

"All of the Gems you betrayed, the siblings you've hurt, the hearts you've broken. Everywhere you went, misery followed." You spoke up, staring fiercely into her eyes. "So it makes sense that it's your name." You blinked, thrown off by what she said. "What. . . ?" You whispered.

"Everyone was happy when I was taken to the moon, I don't blame them for that, except for Padparadscha. The poor fool still thought I actually loved him, and it almost made me feel bad." Pearl smirked, as though it gave her pleasure to hurt Padparadscha.

"Though, over time, everyone single Gem on the island had gotten over my disappearance. Everything was peaceful once more. . . Until you came along." Her eyes narrowed, bringing out her thick cloudy eyelashes. You didn't want to admit that you were catching onto what she was saying.

Sensing that she had gotten you where she wanted, Pearl continued, "I always told them I'd come back, but they never believed me. Now you are here to continue my legacy." Before you could even blink, she stood before you, several inches taller than your form. Smirking widely, Pearl leaned down to whisper in your ear, "So do it right."

And with that, she pushed you away. Your frozen body fell into a trench that wasn't there before, and your hand reached out for Pearl. She nodded in affirmation, walking away from the edge.

'No. . . It's all a lie. . . I won't hurt them!' You screamed in your mind, darkness taking you hostage.

The ocean. . . 

What if. . . 

Him. . .


The ending to this was kind of crappy, but it leads to something good!

By the way, I'm redoing that one Alexandrite x Chrysoberyl! Reader, where it will be a modern au. Wait, should I make it modern, or keep it in its normal time?

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