We Need To Leave

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Your screams of horror made your son stop crying. Running over to the arm lying on the floor, you closely inspected the inside in panic, noticing that there was no blood, muscle, or bone. There was just a pink... rock? You tapped it hard, wincing at the pain in your finger after doing so. "Who..." You turned towards the now giggling baby, "Is your father?!" You whispered/yelled, hurrying off to try and find or make some type of paste.

It wasn't long until you found a sticky resin on some trees, it seemed trustworthy and nontoxic. You took as much as you could and made it back to the cave without being seen by anyone on the island. Spreading a good portion of the resin on the hard pink material in the arm, you slowly reattached it back to your sons shoulder, making a little Clink! sound.

He seemed to be perfectly normal once more, and his arm was slowly moving again. You let out a sigh of relief, glad to see your baby back to normal. Suddenly, he started whining and looking at the light outside of the dark cave. '...Does he want to go outside?' You thought to yourself. Shrugging, you held him in your arms and rested him on the sand close to the beach, watching as his little body relaxed in the bathing sunlight.

"Don't gemstones live off of sunlight too?" You mumbled, resting a hand on your chin in wonder. "I see, so this is why you don't eat when I try to breastfeed you.. You.." You paused for a moment, watching his frail, pitiful body grow to how he should be now. "You live off of sunlight.. You're a humanoid gem!" You exclaimed, amazed at the thought.

You paused in your shock, "This is bad for you." You began to shake in fear. The greed of the other survivors would be the end of your son if they ever found out who he was. To think, a living gemstone, given life by yourself?! Yes, they would rip him to shreds- er, shards.

You glanced back at the cooing baby, slowly holding him in you arms; he cuddled in your embrace, looking as though he hadn't been well fed in a long time. You wanted the best for your son, even if he was a rock. But how would this work?

You stared out to the ocean, watching the colorless waves as they gently hit the white sand. You quickly rushed back into the cave to grab a piece of paper, your quill, and an ink bottle. Hurriedly, you laid your son on the old cradle and began to messily write down what might be the last letter you'll ever send.

'To Whom It May Concern,

I have found a disturbing discovery about my son.
I wish I could explain more about it, 
But I haven't much time.

My son and I must leave our island before the others find out.
I may not answer for a long time,
But, to whomever is reading this,
I hope you shall await for me.

Yours Truly,


You grabbed another bottle, sliding the parchment inside followed by another cork. You went outside the cave, which, the more you thought about it, was more like the ruins of an old castle, and quickly threw the letter out to sea.

Another glimmer caught your eye, you looked over to see the same bottle you had sent yesterday, but it had the letter 'P' on the side, and the cork said, 'To Misery'

Your blood froze, your chest was filled with a jolt of hope, someone had read your letter and replied! You ran over to the bottle and took the letter out. Your bright emerald eyes gazed across the chicken scratch, barely able to make out each letter.

'Dear Misery,

I truly can feel your pain from where I am,
Though I don't have a 'son', as you call it.
I deeply wish that we could speak to each other in person,
But sadly, the ocean separates us from each other.

I honestly hope that you and your son are in perfect condition,
If you somehow come across the island my 'family' and I live on,
You will no doubt be welcomed with open arms.



You smiled warmly, before remembering what you still had to think of a solution to your problem. You looked down at your son, who cooed at the letter, as if able to smell the scent of the writer. You glanced back at the letter, before finally coming to an answer.

This was probably the worst idea you ever had, but it was the best one you could afford to risk. You breathed in deeply, opening your eyes, which held fear and excitement.

"We're leaving the island." 


Slug Daddy is coming up in the next chapter or so!!

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