Prepared To Die

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You whipped your head around, screeching to a stop. The Sunspot was coming right after you instead of Padparadscha. By now the Lunarians didn't even care if they couldn't breathe, they were letting out ear ringing screeches, "Human!" They kept repeating. You were terrified of the barrage of screams, having never seen such a thing in your life.

"Misery-san!" A voice yelled out. You looked around to see a pair of Gems running towards you. You remembered Padparadscha describing them and the others to you back on the cliff. "Bortz! Diamond!" You felt relief flood your being, Padparadscha had told you that they were the best pair of fighters.

"What's going on?" Bortz ordered, unsheathing their weapon as they watched the approaching Sunspot. "They appeared back at the cliff right over in that direction, and started following me, screaming 'Human' repeatedly." You panted, pointing at where you came from.

Diamond looked worried, "Lunarians can't even talk... can they?" They looked over to Bortz. The black diamond didn't even reply to the question, but instead ran off toward the Sunspot, "Stay here." They ordered, leaving you and Diamond in the dust.

You watched in amazement as Bortz leapt high into the air, landing on the Sunspot. You felt as though you had to do something, surely they couldn't do it on their own. Bortz proved you wrong, and sliced the large lunarian in half. You heard Diamond sigh, as though they wanted to join.

"A weak Diamond is no diamond at all.." They mumbled, clasping their hands. You frowned, resting a hand on their shoulder, "One day, you'll shine like the diamond you are." You grinned awkwardly. Diamond smiled sweetly at you, gratefully taking in your words.

"Gah, what in the world?!" You both looked back to see Bortz lying on the floor of the Sunspot, their legs were separated from their body, leaving them with only their arms to defend their self. 

Wasn't the Sunspot supposed to disintegrate? You gasped, looking over to Diamond to see if they would do something about it. They were too shocked to even notice anything else around them, they couldn't move an inch! Guess they were just as surprised to see Bortz like that.

You quickly pondered an idea, Padparadscha was too far away to help, and Diamond is too shaken to even think. You were only a human, but that wouldn't stop you from trying this.

You snatched Diamond's sword out of its sheath and ran into battle. Letting out a battle cry, you tried to jump in the air like Bortz did earlier. Air rushed your body as you flew high in the sky, how did you do it?


You felt another crack appear on your ankle. What was happening to you? You clumsily landed on the Sunspot, realizing how tall the lunarians really were. You blindly swung at them, keeping them as far away from the surprised Bortz as possible.

"Sorry about this!" You yelled. "What do you-!" They didn't finish their question before you kicked them and their legs off of the Sunspot. They landed on the grass, snapping Diamond back to reality.

When you turned back to the enemy, a net was thrown over you. It was heavy, as well as a ruby red color. You tried to use the sword to cut the net, but everything was so heavy. You hissed in pain, realizing that you had accidentally cut your forearm. You stared at the bright red blood seeping from the wound, why was your body acting so strange?

The Lunarians crept closer towards your vulnerable state, terrifying smiles on their faces. You cowered in fear, realizing the mistake you made. Then you realized.... it was probably for the best.

You were just a useless human, a species meant to die out thousands of years ago. Your fragileness would only get in the way of the others.

And Rose....

You smiled sadly to yourself, since he was a Gem just like them, they would be able to be there for him every step in his life. You didn't know a single thing about raising a living rock, and you would eventually die while he was living his best immortal life.

You closed your eyes as the Lunarians lifted the Red Diamond net off of you and reached out for your medium frame. Hearing multiple proofs, you opened your bright green eyes to see- "Padparadscha!" You exclaimed, feeling happy to see them once more.

They didn't look back at you, but charged towards the main Lunarian instead. You looked over the edge of the Sunspot, gulping at how far down it was. Jumping off alone was not an option.

Diamond landed beside you, "Misery-san, we have to go!" They urged. You looked back at Padparadscha, watching in amazement as they sliced the main Lunarians clean in half with only the force of their swing.

Diamond didn't wait for you to answer, and instead grabbed the back off your collar, and leaping off of the Sunspot. You saw the Sunspot disappear, and Padparadscha fall through the open holes appearing on it. You sighed in relief, glad that they were safe.

When you landed on the ground, you rubbed your bum in slight pain as you stood. Padparadscha ran over to you and pulled you into a bone cracking hug. "I told you to get to safety." You heard them mumble into your braided hair. You smiled, hugging them back, "You worry too much." You whispered, so that they couldn't hear.

"At least you're safe." Padparadscha sighed, loosening their grip while Diamond was being scolded by the legless Bortz. Your grip on Padparadscha tightened, 'I was so prepared....'

'To leave my own son.'


So the realing fighting will happen later on, cause if i do it now, I'll have to do a second book, since i have something 'special' for that.

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