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You would never truly know exactly how long you've been sleeping, but you woke up to see that it was the birth of a sunrise. Slowly, you rose up and carefully looking around. Never in a lifetime could you properly explain where you were, as you had seen such a place. There was a gigantic shelf that held jars, boxes and even more things you didn't even know existed!

"So you're finally awake, hm?" You jumped at the sudden voice, turning to see another strange looking person. They had long legs that were slightly hidden beneath their white coat, such a shame since they were quite nice in your opinion.

Their eyes were a yellow-ish maroon, as was their hair, although the yellow and maroon were separated. In their arms was a familiar bundle, it kept moving around. You squinted hard to see what it was, only to see a pinkish shine coming from the blanket.

"This is the small Gem that was with you when you came to our island. Sensei checked on him and named him Rose Quartz." The doctor explained, handing you what was supposed to be your son.

His hair wasn't white anymore, but a rosy pink like his eyes. You smiled, thinking that it was a better look for him. "His hair had been coated with dust and mud from the sea, which was why it looked like yours. We cleaned it out, though it was quite difficult." The doctor pointed out.

You gave the doctor a nod, not tearing your gaze away from 'Rose Quartz'. It was strange, but you could already see him at around your age, with a protective personality and a great big smile. A chuckle escaped your lips, remembering that you had an alien for a kid. An adorable alien.....

"Now if you are feeling better, I suggest that you head to the main hall, Sensei is expecting you. It's down the hall, then a..." The Doctor grunted, pausing their instruction to pull out a large wooden box from beneath a counter. You thought that there would be supplies or something like that, but it wasn't.

There was a person in the box! And boy, were they beautiful! They had insanely long hot pink hair that blocked out the bottom of the box, and wore a white blouse with black overalls, revealing their long legs.

Why are there people with longer legs than you? The pink haired sleepy head had gray stockings that barely reached their knees, although one had been pushed down to the mid-calf. They were sleeping so peacefully, like they never slept a wink in their entire life.

"Who is that?!" You exclaimed, still alarmed as to why they were sleeping in a coffin-like space. 

"Hmm? Oh, this is Padparadscha. One of the oldest Gems here, but most of his life has been spent asleep." Rutile spoke, unbuttoning the unconscious Gem's shirt. You gasped at the sight of holes in their chest, how were they even alive? After everything you've seen so far, from Rose actually being a rock to aquatic humanoid creatures, this had to be the most shocking.

Rutile chuckled sadly, and began placing kidney shaped gems into the holes, "It's been a while since he's last awoken, and it's getting more difficult to keep him awake every time." Rutile admitted to you.

They soon completed placing the gem pieces in Padparadscha's holes. You both waited in bated breath, wondering if they would awaken. After a few more seconds, Rutile looked down in disappointment, resting their forehead on the edge of the box, "Back to the drawing board..."

You slowly walked over to the sleeping body, though you had only begun to gain feeling in your legs. When Padparadscha was within your arm's reach, you hesitantly caressed their cheek. They were freezing cold, like the ice stalactites that would grow inside the cave in winter.

None of this was your business, not your problem. But you couldn't just turn your back on a stranger in need, not like how your own people did to you.. 

"Poor thing, if only I could help..." You heard yourself mumble. You began to lean over their face, lost in Padparadscha's peaceful expression, "I can only wish you the best of luck." You whispered, pressing your lips against their pale forehead, ignoring the chill that went down your spine.

You had read this in one of the saved books of your ancestors, a fairy tale. With a kiss, they were supposed to awaken once more. You were ignorant to how it wasn't a true story, but you were raised with it, so you didn't know any better.

When you backed up, a frown dominated your face. You wanted to help, but there was nothing you could do. A groan came out of nowhere, you looked down at Rutile, who now had their head raised, "Was that you?" They were too shocked to speak, and barely shook their head. 

Suddenly, Padparadscha shifted, making you squeak in surprise. Rose Quartz reached out for the stranger, and Rutile sat up correctly. Slowly, Padparadscha opened their eyes, revealing a reddish hot pink, like the beauty of fire.

Sitting upright, Padparadscha yawned loudly, very loudly. It wasn't a pretty yawn, with their mouth wide open, wait- why didn't they have teeth?

Padparadscha continued to stretch their arms out, it seemed as though they hadn't noticed your shocked expressions yet. Finally, Padparadscha opened their eyes again, meeting gazes with you. The tired smile they had on their face, turned to trembling lips. Their eyes showed surprise and remembrance, Padparadscha opened their mouth to speak.

"Pearl.... Is that you?"


wut am i doang

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