You walked over to the book and opened to the first page, grabbed the quill and put it in the ink. You wrote, I want to know about the tests my people go through to gain there powers.

"That's a good one, now answer my question. Do you really think Lotor is your friend? He could've gotten you from the past years before he was exiled to that planet."

"Yes, he didn't know where I was so how could he save me without risking how much he had gain. It takes a lot of power to take a person without getting hurt or tracked" You say but then remembered you have to write it down.

"Hm, he seems your friend so I will say correct, that and your reason is very true. Next question,why is it you stay with voltron when you could go back to the galra and learn as much as you wanted?" The voice said, You thought for a moment and dipped the quill back in the black ink.

"Because voltron hasn't lied to me like the galra has. They have been lying to me since I was a baby." You waited for the voice to respond back.

"This is true, final question. Is there anyone on this ship other than Lotor that is galra?" The voice said, you were confused because you knew this was a no but you couldn't answer it. Can you give me a hint?  You wrote and waited for the voice to answer. "Ok, but this is your only hint that I will give you." He said, he told you to close your eyes and you did. You saw a vision of how Allura glared at Keith and looked away. The vision ended and your thought for a moment before writing.

"Keith" You wrote and put the quill down and waited. The book slammed shut and opened to a blank page.

"I will write what I can but come back in the morning, I will give you two weeks to read it and then you must return it." The voice said. You shook your head and walked out of the door with your head hung. When you looked up, everyone was sleeping. You sighed and got everyone a blanket including Lotor. You wrote down something and slipped it under Keith's hands,

'I know that your part galra and i'm ok with it. -Y/N' You then went to your room and slept really great that night. That night you had a dream, you were in bed and you saw Keith smiling and he put a piece of paper on your desk and quietly went to his bed. When you woke up you saw a note on your desk and that you had Deju Vu. You walked up to it after being dressed and read it. Thanks for taking it better than Allura, by the way what happen in that room? You sighed and walked out to the kitchen before stopping at your mirror. Your star on your cheek was glowing and you touched it but it burned. You then put a cloth against it but your cheek didn't hurt. You put a bandage on your cheek and then kept walking to the kitchen. 

"Morning every one!" You said, Pidge and lance were at a table while hunk was cooking.

"Sup" Lance said. Hunk shook his hand but kept his eyes on the dish.

"Hey, Keith is sleeping in more, Lotor and Allura are in the control room and Coran is in the library trying to find something about the trails." Pidge said while you were eating and then remembered the voice in Zarkon's personal library. 

"Well i'm gonna go help Coran see you guys in the training room later." You say and went to the library. "Hey Coran, where is Zarkon's personal library again?" You yelled, he was up on a high ladder so it was hard to hear any one on the ground.

"Just to the left to you!" He yelled back pointing to the book case. You picked out a book and the door opened. You walked in and the book was there on the table.

"I'm so glad you came back, I only wished you could stay." You said ok after writing a note but forgot to close the doors. You read the book out loud and saw that the trials were defeating or ending your worse enemy. "i was going through your mind and it's called a Druid named Vu. Of coarse Zarkon found another way to do it but you won't like it." The voice says. "You have to um get the rose of truth and give it to the one you love or he/she has to give it to you. The flower is on a galra cruiser." He says. You bang your head on the table.

"If I bring it here can I maybe get my powers?" You say, the voice explains that you will have gotten your powers by then so that was a yes. You said you would bring it back but have to explain to get the flower from the ship.

"Ok, the flower also has a bad side effect, if the one you don't love gives it to you, then you will sleep for a while and fight your nightmares." The voice says, you said ok and explained the flower to the others.

"So Zarkon could use it to make his enemies sleep for as long as he wanted." Lotor says, you also explained that it won't work on galra since his whole army and him are galra. So you, Keith and Lotor would sneak on the ship while Hunk, Lance and Pidge caused a distraction. Allura would sneak you guys on the ship and go with Hunk, Lance and Pidge. You guys finally reached the flower while you kept watch.

"A rose for you." He said, he held the flower but remembered what would happen when some one you didn't love handed you the flower. You gave it to Keith but you were already starting to fall asleep.

"W-we need t-to get back. You say, you started running but slowed down and put your hand on the wall. You felt a hand on your shoulder and it was Keith but you couldn't hear what he was saying. He carried you bridal style and handed you the flower. You were able to hear what he was saying but since Lotor handed you the flower, you started falling asleep.

"Just stay awake long enough till we get you inside a pod." He said, you felt the star and altean marks on your cheeks glow bright when he handed you the flower. You blacked out and woke up to Vu again.

"Go away Vu, I don't want to talk to you!" You say, he then puts hand on his mask high enough to see his cheeks. You gasp and covered your eyes and when you woke up and Keith was holding you. He set you in a chair and you noticed you still had the flower but this time it was in your hair.

"Are you ok Y/N?" He asked, you shook your head and saw the flower in your hands, it had been wilting in your hands. Keith led you to your room and was about to leave,

"When you gave me this rose, what happen?" You ask looking at the pile of petals in your hands.

"Well your cheeks glowed a rosemary color and then disappeared. But you look real tired, I'm gonna tell everyone your awake." With that he left and you just realized something. You have a crush on Keith.

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