Pidge was in her lion trying to get a signal from Earth built was having no luck. While she was in her lion you thought about telling Keith about your eyes and cheeks but remembered Shiro just came out of the pod and is still trying to get the hang of things, so you decided to leave it alone till the time was right. Romelle wanted to introduce herself to you but kept on asking for you take off your helmet.

"I um feel better with it on." You say and notice Hunk staring at his lion. You then had an idea. "I wonder what Hunk's doing, in the galran empire we didn't do that." You say, Romelle turned her head over to Hunk.

"I could go ask him." She said, she than ran off to him no waiting for you to answer. After you watched Hunk tell her he was looking at his lion to see if anything is wrong, Pidge walked up behind them. She told them she ran a test on the lion and that they weren't completely at 100%. When she walked away, Hunk said he got that to. You snickered and walked over to the others.

"Were you able to contact earth?" Shiro said, she shook her head no.

"Maybe it has to do with the lions being low on fuel?" You said, Pidge looked over at you with a sad expression. 

"I'll keep trying as we head to earth." She said.

"I can't believe were going back to earth." Lance said, you didn't know what they meant by earth.

"Is that another planet?" You asked, Lance explained that the blue lion brought them where they are today. You looked at the blue lion and then looked back at the others again.

"I can't wait to see how my dad integrated altean and human tech together. I bet he came up with something amazing. And my mom, oh she's gonna be so mad that I ran away. I hope i'm not grounded." Pidge said pulling an happy expression and a bit but scared face when she mention her mom. You were confused what a mom was, you that someone would explain that to you but you that you just weren't showing it to much.

"How long do you think it will take for us to get home." Keith said looking at Coran who was counting on his fingers.

"I was just calculating that now, without the luxury of a wormhole and diminished power cores, let me see carry the one. Ah, it's going to take us approximately 150,000 earth years." He said, you weren't bothered because you only heard about earth times just a few minutes ago. But when you looked around at the others they were all shocked, some of them were funny.

"Is that going to be a problem?" You asked the others. Pidge palmed her face when you asked that question. "Never mind." You said and looked at your feet but heard Pidge speak up.

"I didn't do that because of your question Y/n, I did it because its gonna take 1.5 earth years." Pidge explained, but you still felt bad about asking the question after seeing the others have faces of relief.

"Oh right I didn't carry the three." Coran said, you then did a palm to your face.

"It's going to be a very long and difficult voyage, but it's the only way to replace the castle of lions." Allura said, you looked at Shiro.

"There are times I thought I would never see earth again. To be able to go back it--" Shiro said right before Lance interrupted.

"Well what are we waiting for guys. Lets hit the space road!" Lance yelled and you sighed.

"I suppose we need to figure out who is flying with whom." Krolia said, you looked at her.

"And what about the animals." Coran asked.

"What about them." Pidge asked.

"Well the wolf can't go with Keltenecker, wolves eat cows. And the cow can't go in the same place as the mice because aren't cows afraid of mice." Coran said.

"No elephants are afraid of mice." Lance said. 

"Elephants?" You and Coran said.

"Yeah, they're these giant, grey animals with long nose's that can grab things." Lance pinching is noise. You thought that was weird.

"Giants grabbing nose's. Earth seems so strange." Allura said, almost like she was reading your mind while looking at Keith.

"The wolf will ride with me, but that means Hunk will have to take the cow." Keith said, you looked at the others.

"Me, with the cow. Not a good idea." Hunk said. After they complained a while you toke the cow into your hanger, the wolf into Allura's lion and the mice into Hunk's.

"Happy?" you growled, everyone was quiet.

"I was gonna say that Romelle goes with me, Shiro, Krolia and Coran with Keith." Lance said, you then walked or stomped into your lion.

"Hunk mice are ready." Hunk said after the others and him went into there lions.

"I'm ready to go, but the wolf looks restless. How did I get stuck with it again?" Allura asked.

"I'd gladly trade you the wolf for--" Keith said.

"I have a question why did we left Lance and Y/n decided this." Coran asked whiling being in Keith's lion. You growled through the coms which made Coran jump a little.

"Enough whining. Me and Romelle are going too earth, who's coming." Lance said while having Romelle in his lion. Once you were all in the air, you messed around with the controls. You had your helmet off so you could talk to Vu in silence.

"So what did you find out while I was gone Vu?" You asked but he didn't answer. You grew a little worried but figured he was busy with galran empire duties. You then got an image of the mice sleeping on each other.

"AWWWW, Hunk this is so cute." You said while putting your helmet back on. When you put it back on, you heard everyone complaining about who they got but heard Pidge was playing video games. "I guess i'm bad at making road trip partners." You said and gave a fake laugh.

"Oh yeah he's super drooly." Keith said, you guess that he was talking about the wolf. After a while, Keith finally snapped. "That's it, were switching passengers." Keith yelled through the coms. 

"I second that." Allura said.

"Agreed." Lance.

"Hey why haven't we heard anything from Pidge and Y/n" Hunk said, your lion was feeling a bit cold so you opened up coms with Allura after everyone put the alteans in Pidge's lion and the animals with your lion.

"Hey Allura is your lion cold?" You asked warming up your hands.

"No, but yours didn't have AC in it, but apparently your lion is colder on the outside than the rest of us." She said looking at another screen. 

"T-that explains t-the c-cold." You said, now the mice were getting cold. our lion was still on auto pilot so you went to the back of your lion, put a blanket on Keltenecker who was inside of a stall, another planet on the wolf and one under him and the mice with the wolf. You looked everywhere for something for you to wear but no luck. Your vision became a little blued until you laid next to the wolf.

"I'm sorry Y/n, I just remembered Hybana's are sensitive to cold." Allura said, you told her it was ok and went to sleep. You woke up and saw galran ships shooting at your lion. You sent the animals into a safe bunker but the wolf disappeared which surprised you. You ran to your lion's controls and started taking out ships but then you were to slow for one of the ships. It shoot you with a beam but it didn't hurt it just felt colder.

"Y/n are you alright?" Pidge asked, you told her yes but when you lowered your lion to and steroid, you got hit with and explosion.

"Gah, that d-didn't f-feel good." You said. Then you heard Keith say go into the cyclone, you followed with Pidge. "Is t-there someplace w-we can land to s-stop these guys?" You asked.

"There's an ice planet with and unstable core. It's dangerous but perfect." She said, Keith said to go there so you all followed Keith. Your lion powered off but landed on the ice planet. But your lion started to heat up enough for you to stand up. But the ships shoot at your lion and made you unconscious.

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