You noticed that Lance was increasingly worried for Allura. You knew how he felt only his loved one would be back in a few minutes when yours would be days. Shiro went to take Lance out of the hall while the others and you were fixing the power.

"I think we need Shiro's help on this one." Coran said, you went into the hall and got Shiro but Pidge asked you to stay with Lance. You stayed out in the hall with Lance while he paced, thinking about Allura. You got tired of the silence.

"What do you think Keith is doing now?" You ask to take Allura of his mind, but you weren't to sure it would work. He thought about and talked about her when ever he could. Lance looked at you like you asked if he stole Hunks food. "I'm just trying to take Allura of your mind, is it helping?" You asked, you knew they hated each other but you thought it was funny how they fought over pointless things.

"I bet he's on a mission, and speaking of Allura, why didn't you go with them?" Lance asked folding his arms. You had lots of reasons why you didn't go but you didn't want to say.

"I just wanted to make myself useful on this ship since all I do is train." You sighed, you started itching your galran tattoo. Lance noticed this and you stopped.

"I never did thank you for saving me back at the white hole. Thanks by the way." Lance said, you gave him a fake smile. He shrugged ad went back to pacing while you went back to thinking about Keith and what he was doing. It had been at least an hour when you and Lance came into the control room, everyone was on the floor.

"We've tried everything." Hunk said, lying on the floor. You sat by the control panel and your vision started to get fuzzy. You fell to the floor and heard Lance talking.

"Hey theirs Allur-" Lance was cut of and you fell asleep. You toke a deep breath in and looked to see you were in the control room. Everyone was pointing there guns at Lotor, you saw an altean saying something but you couldn't hear. You also saw a marmoran agent and a galran woman and a wolf. Then Allura punched him and knocked him out.

"NO" You yelled, you woke up in your room. You ran to the control room. Nothing. You ran the cell room, Nothing again. You sighed and walked over to the pool. You messed with the waters surface.

"Surprise your out here, at this time in the night." Lance said, he was right by you dripping wet. You guessed he was in the pool and noticed you.

"Is Lotor alright?" You asked Lance. He looked a you like you woke up from a bad dream.

"Yeah he's fine, Allura got the power back on right when you passed out." He said, this made you have a wave of relief wash over you. You wanted to tell Lance about your vision but thought it was a bad dream.

"Do you trust Lotor? Like have-his-back trust?" You asked.

"Kinda, I would trust him a lot more if he would leave Allura alone. But then again he is part altean and how can I compete with that?" Lance said lying on his back. You looked at the water again.

"So you actually like Allura, if it helps you with anything. I saw a dream where she upper cut him right before I woke up" You say, you look at Lance who was looking at you like you upper cut Lotor right infront of him. "I have the ability to see the future but I think it was just a bad dream from a lack of oxygen." You said looking back at the water again. You yawned and got back up and headed for the door.

"Well even if that is true, I would watch your back." Lance said right before you walked out the room. The few weeks, Lotor and Allura built something in the galran ships. You avoided eye contact when ever other generals looked at you. Finally, Lotor and Allura tried to enter the quintessence field and it worked. Then out of no where, the alarms started blaring.

"I've got a incoming craft." Coran said after everyone huddled towards the control panel.

"Shields up, and pull it on screen." Shiro said looking out in front of them. Coran pulled an image of one of the pods.

"That, that can't be" Coran said.

"Uh did we happen to leave a pod around any planet before I came?" You asked.

"What's it doing out here?" Lance asked, you wanted to know to but waited to hear who was on the ship.

"Lets find out, attention altean pod, identify yourself." Shiro said. Then an image of Keith wearing his mamoran armor popped up in the screen. This made you jump up from your chair almost high enough to fly. You supper sped to the consule which made Keith look like he had the screen froze on his side. After everyone asked their questions you glared at Lance.

"No?" Lance said.

"Wheres Lotor?" Keith asked. Hunk told him and Keith had a worried look on his face that you didn't like to see. You ran to the docking bay and so did everyone else about a few minutes before Keith landed. He jumped out of the pod.

"Keith, it's so great to see you." Shiro stammered.

"Hold up, how do we not know if your just his older cooler grizzly brother." Lance said.

"I don't have time for this Lance." Keith yelled at him.

"hey everybody, Keith's back!" Lance yelled. You looked at the pod but turned your gaze at Keith.

"He's been lying to us all." Keith said.

"Lying about what?" Shiro asked.

"Everything." A girl said. You turned you gaze to an altean, the same one from your dream.

"I promise I will explain everything once we get to Lotor." Keith said, you felt horrified, Your nightmare was a vision and only Lance knew little details.

"When their back we will get everything sorted out." Shiro said, you walked a little faster than usual to the training deck. You trained the hardest level you could. You went to the control room and then Keith walked up to you with the galran woman.

"Where have you been Y/N?" Keith asked.

"Ran out of training levels to beat while you were gone." You say.

"Oh well this is my mom." Keith said, gesturing to the galran woman next to him. You got up when she tried to shake your hand. You shook back and but your lip.

"I'm Krolia, and I fell like I know you from some where." She said after you shook hands. Then after Keith explain how Lotor was harvesting quintessence from alteans. You felt like Lotor was a lie himself after every word. Finally Lotor's ship came out of the quintessence field. You were in your chair looking at your legs. After what you just heard, you didn't care what was about to happen.  When they got into the control room and explained to Allura, Lotor explained to Allura and looked at you for support.

"Don't even look at me, you monster" You said and walked out of the room. You heard him hit the floor and then you ran to your room. You looked at the picture of you and Lotor and threw it at the door. The weapon he gave to you when you were his body guard, snapped it in half. It was a bo staff. You then sat on your legs and covered your face. Your heard a knock at the door.

"It's -sniffle- unlocked." You said. You sat against your bed and looked at the door way. It was the other paladins including Keith, the altean and Krolia. You wiped your eyes and just looked at the floor. "Sorry for -sniffle- the mess" You said, the wolf you noticed earlier popped up right infront of you. He sat right by you and you put your hand on his fur. I was super soft, Keith told the others to give you some space while the wolf stayed with you. About a few minutes later, Keith came in to see how you were doing.

"You ok?" Keith asked while he sat next to you. He turned the light on but closed the door. You shook your head and put you head on his shoulder. He covered you in a blanket.

"Why would he do this, it has to be Zarkon." You said in between sniffles. 

"I'm sorry you had to find out this way, even if he was your childhood friend." Keith said, you laughed a little and looked at the wolf.

"He was more like a brother to me, he knew I was alone. No one wanted to be around a human back then." You said, Keith hugged you a bit and you both camped out for the night.

Hope you like my evil cliff hanger.

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