Vu's POV

I was in the consule room and watched as Y/n walked into the cockpit. I let her be in their for a couple of hours and saw she left her helmet on the seat, I picked it up and put it on my head after taking my druid mask off. I didn't really like the mask but I didn't want to show how much dark magic I used while Y/n was just a child, and how much she used as a child.

"Im sorry but Y/n will be, unable to reach." I said while pushing buttons on the consule to get a better look at the ships. I stayed calm for Y/n sake.

"What why? What did you do!" I heard the boy Keith say, i opened a cam between us so only me and him could hear each other.

"Last I checked, she has the ability to look into the future and that she used dark magic, so really the question is what did you do to her?" I yelled, he then looked ashamed and I took a deep breath in and then out and faced him. "I'm sorry I yelled, but you have to understand that I will do anything to protect my family. But to be fair I guess your part of my family." I said and turned the coms off before he could say a word. I knew he was Y/n's boyfriend because she said it in the coms at that planet, but even I know she was going to grow up one day. Then a small ship tried to send a signal to the main fleet but the signal was scrambled for some reason. Pidge was able to catch it and we landed the lions on a planet's rings know as Saturn. I open the cock pit to find Y/n crying on the wall. I walked over to her and handed her the helmet.

"The others need you. We need you." I said, she looked at the helmet and put it on. We walked to the small ship, I used a spell to extend holding my breath but only for a minute. We were all crammed in the cock pit but the ship couldn't fly right so I held Y/n tight.

Your POV

You opened your eyes once you all crashed, Keith helped you out of the ship after Vu. You all walked to a city but what made you stop was a toy bear on the ground. You felt like all this destruction was your fault, you held the brown bear in your hands.

Like this but a little bigger than your hand.

You looked at the bear for a little longer, Lance then saw the bear and walked over to you

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You looked at the bear for a little longer, Lance then saw the bear and walked over to you. You looked at him, he took the bear from you and turned it around to find a tag on it. It had his last name on it, you looked at his face to see he was crying.

"I'm sorry Lance, I wish I could've done something to stop the empire." You say, he looked at you and hugged you. You hugged him back but then had an idea. "But it doesn't show any sign of um you know on it so, maybe your family is still alive." You said once he let you go, he smiled. He handed you the bear, you took it and put it in a bag you got.

"I trust it with you more than me." He said, you smiled because he trusted you with something that was so important to him. You then got your bayard when you saw some droids flying high up and it then shot at you, you made a shield but it was a  to late. It blasted near your side so you only got a burn but it hurt a little more than you expected. You were on one knee and checked your bag for a bandage or something. You found a bandage and put it on your side. You hid it with your bag. Keith came over to you and helped you out and put you in a car which drove you all to a particle barrier. The ride was bumpy and your burn hurt a lot. While everyone were looking away from you, you made that symbol from before to heal the burn but not a lot. When you got out and saw Lance being hugged from his family, you walked over to them. You tapped Lance's shoulder and held the bear up.

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