You woke up but you weren't in your lion. You looked around where you were and only saw F/c galaxies. You then saw a figure wearing the F/c armor but had his back turned to you. You tried to summon your F/w but couldn't.

"There is no need for weapons here child." The figure said, you thought it was a male voice so you walked towards it. Your cheek marks and eyes were the same color before you passed out into this dream place.

"Where am I and who are you" You said, trying to sound menacing. He turned around and saw it was Vu. You saw in one of your vision he had your cheek marks but they were dull and were gray. He had the cheek marks  but they were full of indigo. He sighed,

"Your in the F/c lion conscious, I was it's previous pilot. I want to help you fight and beat Lotor." He said, this did make some sense why he was nice to you as a child and why he didn't like Lotor when he was a child but that didn't matter. What confused you was why he wanted to help you of all people.

"Fine, but Keith and the other have to kept safe. No loop holes." You say and held out your hand. He took it and you woke up in your lion. 

I'm in your mind so only you can hear me until you leave the lion. Vu said, you saw voltron was just drifting in space and that Lotor went into a worm hole. Your lion roared and flew towards the others.There will be a big fight going on soon so I will stay quiet till we get there. Vu said, you heard the paladins calling your name.

"Did I miss something super big?" You said and smirked. "Whats the plan?" You asked after Lance yelled at you because he was the joke maker.

"We might have found a way to enter the quintessence field but we need to focus out energy on me." She said, you felt like your lion was trying to tell you something so you looked at it.

"Hey guys I think F/C is trying to tell me something. I think it  could help us ." You say, and the put your bayard into the consule. The lion roared and your screen became a graph. It was making a spot.

"I found an opening to the quintessence field but I have to stay here to leave it open long enough for you guys to come back out. But you will only have 20 doboshes." You said, you started pushing buttons to set a timer to Keith. "I've sent a timer to you Keith." You said. He said ok and crated a flaming sword. they made a rift and you sent a roar to it and you kept it open.

"We will be back soon" Keith said while you focused on the rift. While about 10 doboshes later more rifts came in, you kept on trying to stop them from getting bigger but you couldn't.

I will help you but  you won't be able to hear them, I will explain that to them and the mustache man.  You agreed and closed your eyes. A little while the holes began to slowly getting bigger so you tried harder to keep them closed.


 Finally the paladins came back but were trying to talk to Y/n. I made a quick connection and apparently princess Allura noticed first. We were in the F/c lion conscious and the paladins tried to summon there weapons. I had Y/n in a light but her eyes were closed. I covered her face so they wouldn't see her cheek marks.

"It's nice to see you paladins, i'm sorry for my attack on Varju but I am only here to help." I said putting my hand on my chest plate. They all looked shocked so I couldn't blame them.

"Let, her go." The boy named Keith said and pulled out his bayard. But like Y/n's bayard, it wouldn't work.

"If I wanted to hurt her why would I wait until you came, that would've given her enough time to get away from me. Besides her lion trusts me so it brought her to me." I said, Princess Allura shook her head at the other paladins. "Y/n is trying to slow the growth process of the rifts but I warned her that she won't be able to communicate with other including me until the rifts are gone." I said, after Allura agreed that they must close it, they needed to get things from there ship. I stayed with Y/n and tried to move the lion while she was asleep from danger.

Keith's POV

After I had packed the necessary things I needed, I went to Y/n's room. I got the T-shirts, pants and dress while Allura got the private clothing and drawings. I noticed a galra notebook that was hiding under pillow by a dagger. She does have trust issues, I thought. I grabbed the book and put it in a box and the dagger. After I went through her room I saw a broken bo staff and a half burned picture of her and Lotor. Half of his face was burned away and I remember how she reacted when we revealed Lotor to the side of evil. I put the bo staff in my bag so I could make her something. I noticed a message on the back of the photo. I picked the photo up to get a better glance at the message.

May this remind you of the times when I am mad at you that I will always be your friends even if I have lost my way.

"Poor Y/n, I didn't know that  you were this close." I said, I did know they were friends but I didn't know they were close. I sighed and put the photo in her box because I didn't know what would happen if we told her what would happen to Lotor. We left him and I couldn't tell her but at least everyone else knew so it wouldn't be to much of a problem. I went into her lion after I got permission from him. I then wanted to see her but Vu wouldn't let me.

"Just one minute, nothing more." I said, there was silence and then the doors opened and I saw Y/n. She was sleeping and when I tried to take off her helmet her lion growled. I lifted it up right under cheek marks. I sighed, I then hugged her. I then put the helmet down and walked out the lion. I then went into my lion, Coran set the castle of lions on auto pilot after Allura picked up the mice, Coran, Romelle. Lance got the cow and I got my mom and Shiro in the back. Once the castle went into the giant rift, I grabbed Y/n so she wouldn't be impacted. I told the rest of the team I would carry Y/n until she started talking again or until we got to some sort of planet or moon.

"Vu please let me in,  I just want to see if she's awake." I said, I knew he was still here but he wouldn't answer.

"Keith, what happen to Lotor?" Y/n asked, I bit my lip because unless I told her he was dead she wouldn't believe or forgive me.

"He died, but can I come in? Vu wouldn't let me take off your helmet, is that why you won't come out. Because of your cheek marks?" I asked. She was quiet for a few seconds.

"Just give me a few minutes." She said, I told her ok and walked out of her lion.

Your POV

"Why haven't my eyes and cheek marks gone back to normal Vu?!" I yelled at him once Keith left my lion.

How should I know, mine were black until I turned twenty, they only changed color when someone I trusted  lied to me. Sorry about lying to you.

"Do you know how to reverse it?" I asked sighing. 

I could read the book that boy Keith put in here while you go outside just  make your mask or screen black so no one will get any weird ideas.

" Fine, but I will be able to talk to you when I get back in here right?" You asked, he said yes. "I will try to find you so it won't be like this. So we can talk face to face." You said right before you turned your helmet screen black on the outside but made it see able in the inside. When you walked outside, you saw Allura putting her hands on Shiro's head, You super sped over to Keith. After Shiro's was done glowing purple, he shot up and then landed in Keith's arms. You were so happy you were literally jumping so high it was like you were flying. You stopped jumping once the paladins made plans to go to earth.

"Were going to earth?" You asked, you never knew what it looked like but you wanted to go anyways. Keith smiled and hugged you tight.

"Yeah and when we do get there, I'm gonna show you all sorts of beautiful things there." Keith said.

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