Raised Voices

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Imagine: Thorin is annoyed and / or mad with something Alex did which causes an argument. And after every argument, those involved must make up...right??

Alex P.O.V

Orcs were everywhere!! I had taken it upon myself to stay with and protect Bilbo whilst the dwarves handled themselves. Where the hell was Gandalf?! I had noticed how he disappeared every now and them - he had to vanish now though, didn't he?! There were thirty strong and blood thirsty orcs against fourteen very armed dwarves, a twenty five year old well trained human and a near harmless hobbit...the odds seemed alright I guess. However, in the corner of my eye, I saw an orc make its way towards Thorin who was dealing with already three orcs, but this approaching orc seemed...different. The way he smirked at the leader of the Company, staring intensely at the dwarf as if....as if he already knew him. But there was only one orc that Thorin knew and was still alive....Azog!!! 'Oh my god!! Thorin!!' my mind was racing as I beheaded the attacking orc that was attempting to slaughter the hobbit I had promised to protect at this moment in time. "Bilbo!! Climb up that tree!!" I ordered him "you'll be safe up there!!" believing me, the hobbit who was actually older than me scurried away and easily crawled up the large tree that we were next to as I fought off yet another orc. Looking back towards Azog, I saw that he was even closer to the dwarf who I had discovered was actually the next in line to the throne of Erebor; Thorin, busy with so many orcs and helping his friends around him, hadn't seemed to notice his enemy closing the distance between them. He was going to kill Thorin!! I couldn't let that happen. Not needing to think twice, I rushed through the orcs and dwarves, killing any of our attackers that attempted to stop me; I was only a few feet away from both Thorin and Azog as the fowl creature raised its weapon up and into the air, prepared to strike my leader down. Screaming out the dwarves name, I shoved Thorin out of the way as he turned towards me with wide eyes; I felt Azog's weapon scratch my side as I was somehow able to twist my body to avoid being seriously injured, though I couldn't stop the yell of pain that forced its way out of my mouth. I could feel the blood begin to spill through my wound, but I didn't have time to think about that now. The orc in front of me was furious that I had stopped him from completing his own mission to kill the King - this did not go down well with him as he turned his attacks towards me!! I was suddenly extremely thankful that I was light on my feet as my  strength was nothing compared to Azog's brute force. Before I knew it, I felt myself be kicked with such strength and force that I flew into the trunk of a near by tree, harming my stomach and already injured side as I landed on it "uhh!!" I yelled out the pain. Rolling onto my back as I attempted to regain my breath - I was completely winded from the violent attack - I saw Azog stand above me, glaring dagger down at me as he once again raised his large weapon, prepared to gladly take me out; I tried to block the readied blow, rising my sword above my body - though I knew it would do little to nothing. I had to try. Before my time could come to an end, however, a sword of which I could recognise to be Thorin's stopped the hammer like weapon from crushing my chest before forcing the orc back. From there, I watched as the Company's leader stood in front of me, protecting me as he fought Azog, doing what he could to keep the crazed orc away from me. 

All of a sudden, a booming light pulled everyone's attention from the fighting towards....Gandalf?! He was using his staff to create the light which seemed to force the orcs to retreat - though Azog was hesitant to do so before huffing out his annoyance as he turned away to flee. The Company watched as the old wizard made the light fade away with a chuckle "people are always afraid of the the unknown, even orcs" was all he said upon the matter. Pushing myself up from the floor until I was sitting, I wrapped my arms around my stomach and sides as I continued in an attempt to control my breathing; Bilbo had hurried down the tree I had ordered him to climb before rushing to my side, asking if I were okay as he tried to look at my bloody side. Sending him a small smile with a nod as I was unable to form words yet, I waved the injury off as if it was nothing; I forced myself up to my feet as I, much like everyone else, withdrew my weapon. I held my side as the Company regrouped when suddenly, a loud voice caught my attention "are you crazy?! What were you thinking?!" it was Thorin...who was staring right at me; I raised a brow, confused by what I was being yelled at for. I soon found out as the dwarf continued; the others each stepped back as they listened. "Did you want Azog to kill you?! Why would you throw yourself in his way?! It was stupid!!" he yelled as he stood only a couple of feet in front of me; I was taken back and rather startled by the sudden outburst. "Wha...excuse me?! Azog what going to kill you Thorin!! What did you want me to do?! Let him?!" I couldn't believe how ungrateful and half sighted our leader was; Thorin just glared at me, clenching his fists by his side "I'm not going to be responsible for your death Hunter!! Especially if you throw yourself in front of someone who want to kill you!!" he exclaimed "you are a burden to this Company!!". I could handle the first few yells and harsh words - I had heard worse many times before through out my past. But that last statement...that struck something inside of me and it really bloody hurt. Both mentally and physically. Taking a moment to control my emotions, I composed my thoughts before deciding what to say - I refused to yell like he had "you can think what you want Thorin....but if you truly think and believe that I was just going to allow Azog to kill you when you were already handling many orcs then you are absolutely mistaken and have no idea what kind of person I am" I easily stared the leader, who seemed a little bit surprised by my words as I stood up for myself, in the eyes as I spoke in a tone he wasn't expecting either. Turning away from the leader, I looked towards Ori and politely asked him if he could give me a bandage to wrap up my wound; he nodded his head of course, searching his bag until he pulled out one of the many bandages he carried and handed it to me "would you like me to look at your wound?? Maybe clean it and apply some ointment before wrapping it??" he asked, wanting to help. I kindly declined his offer as I took the bandage "thanks but I don't want to be a burden" I sent a glance towards Thorin who continued to stare "or more of one" and with that, I made my way through the trees until I found the small river we had passed not long before the orcs attacked.

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