After The Break Up

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Please go easy on me. I'm new to all this and my English is really bad.

- Bakugou

"So that's it? You want to break up with me?" Eijiro looked at me without any love in his eyes: "If that's what you want then fine!" I went through my hair with my hand and look away. "Then I guess it's over?" "It is. Sorry Bakugou" it hurt me when he called me by my last name, he was calling me Katsuki for last two years and now... He left me all alone in my room. I sat on my bed and kick my bags angry. He broke up with me like two years means nothing to him! He didn't even care about me. Fucking ass! It wasn't even my fault to begin with.
Eijiro move out of my apartment the next day and left me all alone with my black cat Kira.


6 months later

I was sitting in the bar, drinking beer, right now that was the only thing that helps me not to kill myself. I haven't seen Eijiro for 4 months now and maybe that's for the best, I don't know what would I do if he wanted to talk. He obviously doesn't care about me anymore. I bet he found himself a good looking guy or even a girl (Kirishima is bi).
My phone was ringing so I look who wants to annoy me. Stupid Deku! Ever since I broke up with Eijiro he wants me to be more sociable and stop drinking alcohol. "The fuck do you want?" I answered to the call. "Hey Katcchan! Shoto and I were wondering if you want to go out with us. Just the three of us, we can go for some pizza" "No, leave me alone" I hung up on him and finish my beer. Fucking Deku. When I came home I trow my bag into the corner and feed my cat. "Sorry for leaving you alone for that long" I pat her a little and went to take a shower. That was my life now, drinking beer and pretending I have life.

This one is a little short but like I said, I'm new to all this so give me some time 😂

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