Happy Ending

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"Why so your bitch can tell you more lies about me?" "I believe you!" he yelled and stopped me from leaving. "And?" I asked and dared to look into his eyes. "What do you mean?" he tried to avoid our eye contact. "So that's it? You believe me, nothing more?" guys were still looking at us and it made me feel like shit. "Let's get somewhere quiet" Eijiro gently touch my hand and I followed him to his bedroom. It was still the same room, nothing change except our pictures were replaced with pictures of him and Katie. "Katsuki, I loved you. I really did and I was so happy with you. It never crossed my mind that we would end like this but we did and I'm sorry but-" "Do you love her?" I asked slowly. "What? Of course I do" he was embarrassed and I had a feeling something was not right here. "But do you love her as much as you loved me?" no answer. Eijiro pulled me closer to him, I could hear his heart beat and smell his cologne. He smelled so good. Eijiro slowly put his hand on my cheek, now our noses were almost touching and I could feel his breath on my skin, it made me feel happy, so happy and even a little selfish for asking that. "No" he finally whisper and that answer made me feel brave enough to kiss him. Being cought off guard Eijiro's hand reflexively went to my waist, pulling me even more into that kiss. When we stopped to get some air, Eijiro took control of the kiss. He moved his hands from my face to my neck, deepening the kiss. It was passionate yet sweet and gentle. But then Eijiro pushed me away: "Katsuki we can't! I have a girlfriend" "Then why did you kiss me back?" he took one step back so I got one step closer to him. "Because you enjoy it" I smiled at Eijiro who was getting nervous. "Well....yeah but that also means I cheated on Katie. She a nice girl and doesn't deserve that" Eijiro touched his own lips and then touched mine. "Let's just forget this day happen" no! I'm not letting this go "I can't Eijiro! I can't forget our engagement, our dates, everything! And I don't want to because you are the only one I ever loved" our lips meet again and my heart beat quicker. "Let me touch you" Eijiro said, he slowly lift me up and then put me down on his bed that used to be ours. I put my hands under Eijiro's shirt while kissing him constantly. I pull off his shirt and he did the same to me. "We should stop" he whisper but didn't actually mean it because he continued touching my chest and kissing my lips. We both knew it was wrong but none of us cared. For a second I thought I was only dreaming and I'll soon wake up alone in my apartment but I didn't. Because this was real. And really bad. For a second I stopped because his girlfriend came to my mind. "You're right, we need to stop. She could see us" I grab his shirt and gave it to him so we could get dressed. "What now?" I asked after a long minute of silence. "I'm probably going to tell Katie what I did"


How can someone feel so good but so bad? Kissing Katsuki made me remember why I fell in love with him in the first place. "And then. What then?" he asked me seriously. "I don't know what will happen then" he hug me from behind and kiss my neck, making me chuckle but he was serious again. "What about us? Is there any chance we could-" I stopped him with a kiss and then another one until we lay back again. "Can I trust you, Kats?" "Eijiro I know I made a mistake, trust me, I would never do it again" his eyes told me everything I needed to know. He would never hurt me again. "I need some time, Katie is my girlfriend so I really need to think this through" we kissed for the last time and then left my room. Everybody was standing downstairs in my hall and waiting to see what is happening. I felt super embarrassed when I walk to them. I saw Izuku taking Katsuki aside and start whispering something. I walk to Katie but couldn't force myself to kiss her or even hold her hand. She quickly notice something was wrong but we didn't say a word until everybody left the party.

"It's Bakugou isn't it?" she said and punch my table. "Katie, I still have feelings for him" she punch it again and started crying: "I knew it! I knew you never loved me, I was only your getaway from Bakugou!" I tried to touch her but she took a step back: "Don't touch me you pig!"
"I won't, I sorry. But there is something else you need to know" then she slapped me as hard as she could. It didn't hurt but It cought me by surprise. "That's why you were taking so long with him! You two were making out!" I forced myself to look her in the eyes: "Katie, I am so sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you" "Well you did! I'm leaving" she went upstairs probably for her stuff. I let her be alone and it took her 10 minutes to pack everything. "In case you didn't notice, I never want to see you again" she showed me our pictures and destroyed it "I understand, I wish you luck and a guy who-" "Cut the crap Eijiro!" she wipe her tears and left my house.


Deku immediately grab me and pull me into the living room. "What happened?" he asked but I was too happy to even feel guilty. "We made out" I whispers and make him lose his mind. "You two did what? So he really likes you? You didn't stop loving him? Are you two back together?" I put my hand on his mouth and shut him up. "I don't know, he said he needs some time to think about it" I looked at Eijiro who looked at me and smile. He's smile is beautiful and full of joy. "Stop looking at each other like that! Eijiro is in a relationship with Katie" Midoriya said angry but not loud. "Yeah I know. She's the only thing between Eijiro and me" Icy-hot came to us and ask Deku if he's ready to leave. "Yeah, why not. See you tomorrow Katcchan" "Actually can you drive me home? I'm leaving as well" they agreed and drive me to my apartment.

Next day (still Bakugou)

I woke up at the sound of ringing. Without looking who it is, I answered: "If you're not dying then I don't care" "Alright, sorry for disturbing you" I immediately stand up and yelled: "Don't hung up!" I heard laughter "Oh so you do have time" "For you? Always" he laughed again. Even though the phone, he sounds cute. "Awesome, I'm at your door" one second then I heard knocking and I ran to the door. "Morning" he said and invited himself in. I didn't dare to kiss him so I just stand there while he went to greet Kira. "So what's up?" I asked and pointed at my coffee machine. "Sure, I could use some coffee" we sat down in my kitchen. "Me and Katie broke up and I thought about you all night" he slowly touch my hand and then hold it. "I want to give us another shot, I trust you and love you too much to let you go again because of a mistake" I didn't know what else to do so I pull him into a kiss and accidentally spill my coffee. "I love you Eijiro" I said with tears. Tears of happiness. "I love you too Katsuki!"


Kirishima - two years later

"I'm so nervous! What if something goes wrong? What if he says no?" "Eijiro! Calm down! You two waited for this for years" Mina was with me the whole morning, helping me with the least details. "He is going to say yes and in one hour he will be your husband" that sounds so nice. Katsuki Kirishima, my husband. "You're right, let's do this!" "Yaaas babe, now we're talking! I say you go there and make him marry you so hard!" I smile and hug her. "Thank you for everything Mina, you will always be my best friend" I fix my suit one less time and it was finally time.
When I saw Katsuki in his white suit I couldn't help but to smile, he was so handsome and next to him was Izuku who looked so happy for us. When I got closer to my soon-to-be husband I saw a tear on his cheek. "I waited for this so long, my love" Katsuki whisper before saying I do.

 "I waited for this so long, my love" Katsuki whisper before saying I do

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Finally! I am now officially over with this fan fiction. I hope you enjoy it

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