Why Did They Break Up?

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I'm really happy that you guys liked my fan fiction and all your nice comments are making me blush😊❤️

I saw a lot of comments asking why did they break up and I finally decided to write the story.


Kirishima's POV

The last time me and Katsuki had a conversation was three days ago. He became so obsessed with becoming number one hero and beating Deku that he completely forgot about me. He was in his little office all day and night, if I tried to call him he yelled: "Eijiro I don't have time right now!"
Each day it was harder for me to love him, I tried to be a good fiancé, I cooked, clean and take care of him but it was like he didn't even notice. The last time me and Katsuki make love to each other was 4 months ago, now he doesn't even have time for some cuddle. I feel like he doesn't care about us anymore. High school was so much easier then life.
I never told anyone that I'm sad and what is Katsuki doing to me. Maybe that's why it was even harder for me. Almost every night I cry myself to sleep. Some strange unfamiliar voice in my head was asking me: when was the last time you has fun? Katsuki does not love you.
After a while a started to believe that voice. I tried talking to him about our wedding but he always said the same thing: "We'll get married after I beat Deku and become number one!"

I finally couldn't go on like that anymore so I force Katsuki to get a day off and talk to me. "So? What's wrong?" Katsuki said but his eyes told me he didn't care. "I can't do this anymore. I feel like I'm the only one who is trying to make things work with us. You're always too busy" "Busy? I'm not busy! You don't have a clue how much time and effort it takes to be the top hero" "You don't need to be number one. You have me, isn't that enough?" a tear fell on my cheek as I waited for his answer. "No it's not enough" and that answer was all I needed, he doesn't love me. I wipe my tears and looked straight into his eyes that were tired of all the work. "I can't live like this anymore" I raised my voice. Katsuki startled at me: "What are you saying Eijiro?" "You don't appreciate me or things I do fo you! You only care about your career and I'm done! I'm done crying, I'm done supporting you!" I looked away from him: "I'm done" I whisper. "You can't be serious? I'm doing all this for us Eijiro!" "You're doing this for yourself! I don't care what number you are! I never asked you to do this!" Katsuki was angrier then ever. "Look at you! You're obviously tired! You're killing yourself for a number! Katsuki you can't keep this up anymore!" Katsuki looked away and said slowly: "Deku can" I stopped breathing for a second, my hands were shaking as I whisper: "You're not him" Katsuki looked at me and with all his angry he punched the table and break it: "Leave me alone!" my tears stopped as I took a step away from him and the broken table and pull my engagement ring off of his finger. "I'm not doing this anymore with you!" Katsuki yelled without feeling sorry for what he just did. "So that's it? You want to break up with me?" I asked after wiping my tears away, I stopped shaking and looked at him deadly.
"If that's what you want then fine!" Katsuki went through his hair and look away again. "Then I guess it's over?" he asked. I took a deep breath. I don't deserve this! I deserve to be happy. I need to let him go.
"It is. Sorry Bakugou" It's been two years since I called him by his last name, he finally showed some sadness but it was too late now. It was done. I left.


I hope that was good enough for you guys. Again thank you for reading this story and writing all those nice comments❤️🥰 I'm trying to write another story but I'm still not sure if I'll post it.

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