Drunk As F***

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Please go easy on me. I'm new to all this and my English is really bad.


When I was walking back home (alone because I was too tired of Deku) I got a text from someone but I didn't bother. It was probably Deku and his annoying boyfriend asking me if I want to hang out with them again and my answer is NOPE! I finally got home and went straight to my kitchen looking for some alcohol.
My cat Kira was looking me with her judging eyes when I sat on my couch getting ready to be drunk. "What are you looking at? You don't know how it's like to be heart broken so stop judging me!" she kept looking at me so I just ignore her and remember that I need to answer Deku with texts otherwise he'll come knocking on my door. I grab my phone but that text wasn't from him, it was from Kirishima. My hands started shaking when I slowly unlock my phone and read the text.

Hey bro!
Listen I know it's been awkward but I thought maybe we could be friends? You know like we were before dating and stuff.

Friends? He's asking me to be his friend like we were before dating? Is he fucking with me? I text him back really angry:

Friends? Why would you want to be my friend after 4 months of not talking? I don't think your girlfriend would like this. I just think it would be just awkward between us.

He replay quickly:

I understand Bakugou.

Deep down it hurt me but I can't hang out with someone I'm in love with. I want to forget him! "Why the fuck are so fucking perfect! I am trying to forget you!" I yell at my own phone. "Meow" "Shut up Kira! Don't you see I'm angry" I was mad at Kirishima, I was mad at Deku, fuck I was mad at my cat! Getting myself drunk was the only option I had. But when I grab another beer I got another text this time from Deku asking me how's everything going. "Are you fucking kidding me? Start minding your own damn business!" I trow my phone on the floor and started drinking.

"My life sucks" I whisper to myself while opening the sixth beer. "Meow" my judgmental cat started walking away from me. "Shut up Kira! Eijiro- I mean Kirishima never liked you because he's a dog person!" then I started laughing like some psychopath.


"He didn't text me back" I said to Shoto who was watching Avangers: Endgame with me. "Who?" he asked not letting his eyes go off the screen. "Katcchan" "He's probably drinking in some corner" Shoto never liked Katcchan that much. "I know that's why I'm worried" he finally look at me and kiss my cheek: "Don't be. He's a grown ass man, he can take care of himself" maybe he was right. I put my phone in my pocket and cuddle with my boyfriend.

I bet nobody is even reading this😅

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