Leave Me Alone

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My day started bad, Katie had a day off while I had to stay at work for a whole day because two heroes were injured. This day became worst when they partnered me up with Katsuki. "So, we're going to act professional right?" I asked Katsuki when we were in our locker room. "Yeah, of course. We're adults after all" he smiled, grab his mask and walk out. I don't know how but for the past 4 months I got lucky and work different hours then him but now that they need more heroes there is no way I could do my job without looking at Katsuki. My girlfriend will hate this even more.
But working with his wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, he act professional and we talked only if it was necessary that means we didn't talk at all because, thank god, it was a peaceful day. When it was our lunch time Katsuki left without saying goodbye so I was eating alone. I hated that! When I ate alone I feel so lonely and depressed and I have this strange feeling that everybody is looking with me judgmental. I always hated that feeling, Katsuki knew that so he made sure I never ate alone. I really miss our friendship.
"You look depressed" I look up and see Katsuki but he wasn't smiling like he was use to. He was dead serious so I decided to break the awkwardness: "Yeah, wanna sit down? I don't like to eat alone" he shook his head and avoid any eye contact. "Nah, you're a grown ass man, eating alone won't kill you" I don't know why but that kind of hurt me. My Katsuki was always so kind to me, always there to help and he never left me alone. But this guy here was not my Katsuki. My Katsuki is long gone and he'll never come back. "Then why are you here?" "This is a free country so I can be here if I want to Shitty Hair" ouch. I thought he forgot that nickname. "I thought so said you won't use that nickname again" I said and finish my food. Something in his eyes told me he wasn't happy at all. "And I thought you said you want to marry me" that hit me and not only me. That hit Katsuki as well, he turn away from me and cover his face. "I didn't mean to-" "I know......... Our lunch break is over, let's just go" but Katsuki didn't move, he was standing there, shaking like he just saw a ghost. "Bakugou?" I tried to touch his hand but he pulled it away and look at me terrified. Then he walked out and left me.


Why!? F*ck I shouldn't have said that!
My hands were shaking and my eyes were getting full of tears. I need to get home, I can't work with him any longer. I head home even though I still had work. I knew they won't fire me because of that, I'm second best pro hero and one little mistake won't hurt them plus I had a very good reason. I don't want to work with my ex.
"I'm back!" Kira walk to me probably to pet her or give her food. "I'm not in the mood" I said and walk past her into my room where my and Eijiro's pictures were. I thought everything was getting better but now Eijiro came back in my life even quicker than he left. I need my beer right now! But my fridge is empty just like my soul, only one thing wasn't empty. My eyes. Because they were full of tears that I was holding them back all morning. I feel so disconnected from the world and I feel like no one even notice me or cares about me anymore. Deku only calls me because he feels sorry for me. "Fuck" I whisper and hide my face with my pillow. I want to stop breathing, I want to die, I won't to-
I heard my door bell so I wipe my tears and slowly walk to my door, taking slow and deep breaths. Then I open the door and look at the person standing there. "Katsuki we need to talk because I can see you're not okay" I shut the door into his face and try to lock them but Eijiro quietly open up and slip in grabbing my hand. "See? That's not okay at all!" "Why do you care so suddenly?!" he pull up my sleeves and look at my hands. "What's wrong with you! I'm not cutting myself, that's what depressed people do!" it's true, I'd rather kill my sadness with alcohol and not with cutting. "Good, now let's talk" I pull my hand away and slap him by surprise. It didn't hurt him because I didn't slap him hard but he was shocked. "Get out! I don't want to talk to you, I don't want to hear you and I don't want see you!" "Calm down Katsuki" I couldn't! One day he calls me Bakugou and the other he calls me Katsuki. "Out! Now!" he finally obeyed and left. My legs stopped working, I feel on the floor and hit my head hard enough to made me pass out.


Something was wrong with Katsuki. Seriously wrong, so I called our boss and told him Katsuki was too sick and today he couldn't work, so he called Shoto to take it for today. I decided to go see if Katsuki okay.
"Out! Now" he yell and pointed at his door. His eyes were tired of crying, I could see that and he was shaking more then before. Maybe the best thing to do was to leave like he order me to. But when I got out of his apartment I heard a loud hit so I rush back in. Katsuki was laying on the floor, unconscious. "Shit!" I wanted to call someone.......but now is my chance to help hin out and maybe then he'll talk to me. I slowly lift him up and carry him into his room, then his cat appeared probably to see what were we doing so I let her stay in his room. She jump on the bed and lay next to Katsuki. Kira was always cute, I'm actually more for dogs but Kira was too cute and fluffy to not like. "Hey there girl" I whisper and slowly pat her. She started purring immediately and I couldn't help but to smile. "Now let's help your owner" I told her and went for some wet towels and out it on his head, I cook some soup so we could eat when he wakes up. Katsuki started to mumble something in his sleep but I couldn't understand him, when I look around the room everything was the same, then I saw some pictures hanging on his was, I decided to take a look since Katsuki is sleeping. I was shocked, Katsuki still loves me because there were our pictures from our dates and prom and even from our engagement. He kept those pictures while I burn them. "Why can't you leave me alone? It's all your fault, I'm trying everything to forget you but you keep twisting the night in my scar. And it hurts" I quickly turn around, Katsuki was sitting on his bed, patting Kira. I startled at him, was all this really my fault? But he hurt me first and he was the reason for our break up. "I didn't know" I whisper and look at our pictures again. "Please leave me alone, you have a girlfriend now while I'm still in love with you" he stand up slowly and put his shaky hands into his pockets, his eyes were so sad: "And right now I want to kiss you so much, so please leave" but I couldn't just go, I couldn't because I didn't want to. Something was telling me to stay with him and let him kiss me. But it's true, I have a girlfriend now. Did I truly moved on? Is there any chance that I could still love Katsuki deep in my heart? "I'm sorry" I whisper and pull him closer into a big------------

Kiss or a hug?????? Or maybe something else 🤔

Hope you like it and my bad spelling didn't bother you that much😊

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