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Ashido was doing this on purpose! I walk around the hospital for some minutes before I decided to call an uber to take me home. "Bakugou!" Ashido run to me with worried face. "I'm sorry, I was trying to help you" "Well you obviously didn't! You made things worse!" I yelled as I walked out of the hospital to wait for my driver. "I didn't want to. Let's go back inside" she tried to hold my hand but I took some steps back: "You can go, I'm going home" my uber came so I get in the car without looking at my friend.
On my way home I asked the driver to stop at some shop and I bought myself some beer.
"I'm home" I said to my cat and open up my first beer. "Before you judge me I need to tell you that today wasn't a good day at all leave me alone" I took a long sip until my bottle was empty. "I seriously needed that" I whisper and put other bottles in the fridge. I got three missed calls from Ashido and one from Deku. "Of course Pinky told Deku about all this!" I decided to read some of her messages:

Pinky: I'm sorry. Let's talk🙏

Pinky: Come on don't be mad! You said that you don't even love him

Pinky: YOU STILL LOVE HIM?!?!?! That's sooooo cute😍

Pinky: Bakugou??????

I decided I'll text her before she shows at my door.

Bakugou: Look, I'm too tired for this shit right now

Pinky: Finally! I thought you were dead

Bakugou: Nope, still alive but my pride is definitely dead thanks to you

Pinky: Great!😁 Now what's the plan?

Bakugou: ?

Pinky: To win your Kirishima back!

Bakugou: There's no point in getting him back! He doesn't love me anymore

Pinky: Of course he does!

Bakugou: I have work, I need to go

I didn't have work, I was just too tired to deal with her right now. My phone started ringing so I pick up really angry: "I told you I don't have time! Are you that stupid?" but the voice that answered me wasn't Ashido. "I'm so sorry, I'll call later" Eijiro sounded really embarrassed. "Oh it's you. No it's good, I have time, that was just my excuse for Ashido" shit, why did I say that?! I can't talk to him right now! "So you have time?" he asked me. "I you have to say something important?" I asked while walking to my bedroom. Everytime someone calls me, I started walking around because I just can't stay on the same spot. "No it can wait" Eijiro said with a sad tone. "Are you sure?" please say yes, please say yes. ".......... Actually it can't....... I was wondering if you're okay? Mina asked us pretty awkward stuff and I don't blame you for walking away" Eijiro was hiding something, I could tell only by hearing his voice. "Yeah I'm good" "That's a good thing. Okay then I'll stop bothering you" I tool a deep breath, say goodbye and turn my phone off for the rest of the day and went into the shower. Eijiro said that he can leave this week but he'll probably stay at home so I'll work with someone else. I brush my teeth and went to bed where Kira was already sleeping.

Saturday night. It's fucking Saturday night and I'm beating up villains instead of having fun and being on dates. Because for fuck sake I'm faking lonely and I've been single for too damn long now! "Katcchan!" Deku was running towards me with a smile. "Haven't seen you in a while" "I ain't have time for you, can't you see I'm working" and it was true, I was in the middle of catching villains. "Need help?" Deku asked. "Fuck you!" I yelled as I jump on the roof where the villain ran. It took me one punch to knock him out Deku join me on the roof with a smile. "How are things with you and Kirishima? Ashido told me what happened three days ago" "So what? It's nothing important" I said as I grab the villain and jump off the building to the police. "Well, Ashido said it was" Deku followed me as I give the villain into the police car and walk into the next street. "Well Ashido is being drama queen as always" "That's maybe true but I still want to talk with you" I look at my phone to see what time is it. Sweet, I'm done with patrolling around. "We can grab something to eat if you have time?" I look at the time again and then Deku. "Sure whatever. Let me change first" I said.

It has been so long since Deku and I went out together without Shoto. And I know our relationship was never good but sometimes it's just nice having him around. And today was one of those times because he can give good advices. "And that's all. I left the hospital because I was embarrassed" I told Deku everything and explain my situation. "Well it really sounds embarrassing. But Kirishima called you and ask you how are you ?" "Yes" I took a bite in my burger and look at Deku who was thinking. "When can he leave the hospital?" "This week probably" I responded. "Then ask him out" I almost chocked on my food. "What? You do know he's not single?" Deku nodded and give me some water. "Not on a date. Ask him to have a bro night, me and Shoto can come as well so Katie wouldn't be angry" that is a great plan, I'll give him that but am I really ready to hang out with him the whole night? "Me and Shoto will be there with you all the time I promise" I know Deku would help me but: "You're just going to hooked up with Shoto and make it awkward as fuck" Deku chuckle and grab my hand. "We'll try not to. Are you in?" I suddenly zoom out. That's my chance. But what if Eijiro says no? What if I still love him? What if?????? "No" Deku was surprised, he didn't expect that answer and neither did I. "Look, I'm lonely. Eijiro already found himself a partner and moved on. Now it's my turn because if I'll spend my whole life chasing after him, I'll become a lonely old man with 50 cats and without any hair on my head" I know this sounds funny so I was glad when Deku didn't laugh, he let go of my hand and give me a friendly smile: "Then I'll be there to support you" "Thanks Deku" Deku put his hand in his pocket and pull out his phone. "Oh, it's Shoto. He's asking me when I'll get home" I took the less piece of my burger "Okay, I'm good to go as well" we grab our stuff and head out. "Then bro night without Kiri?" "I will think about it, you know I hate being the third wheel" we both smirk and then went separate ways. On my way home I was thinking how can I get back to dating. Maybe I can download Tinder? Nah, that's too lame. I can just sat in some bar and wait for a hot guy to flirt with me? "The fuck am I saying? That only happens in movies Katsuki!" I heard a laugh so I quickly turn and saw a tall guy with brown curly hair: What only happens in movies, huh Katsuki?" he asked and walk to me. He looked really cute. Fuck I just made a fool out of myself!

That's all for this chapter I guess😂hope it's better from the last one

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