You Killed Us

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Eijiro pull me closer to him, I could hear his heart beat and smell his cologne. He smelled so good. Eijiro slowly put his hand on my cheek, now our noses were almost touching and I could feel his breath on my skin. I wanted that kiss so badly but instead he moved his head to my neck and hug me. I didn't know what to do, just stand there and look confused. "I love you" I whisper again, hopping that he would say it back but he didn't and he let go of our hug. Eijiro gently put his hand on my left cheek, he leaned towards me. My face heated up as he stare at my eyes. "But you don't love me" I said because that silence was killing me. Eijiro took a deep breath and look around my room before look back into my eyes. "Look Katsuki, we could be married by now and we would be happy but you did this. You. Not me. You killed us" I felt like my heart stopped beating. You killed us. I took a step back and another and another. "Right now YOU are killing me, so leave" Eijiro nodded as he turn around. "I wish we could still be friends and forget about our relationship" he said before he finally left. I didn't know if I wanted to scream out of happiness or sadness that he left.

After I was 100% sure Eijiro was gone, I grab my wallet and went to the closest bar to get myself a beer. I was sitting there for 10 minutes just waiting for Eijiro to suddenly appear because for a weird unknown fucking reason he is now everywhere I go and it's fucking annoying. Can someone please explain to me how can someone forget their ex and move on if he's always coming back, trying to be your friend?! After my fifth beer I finally started to feel better and started forgetting witch was my favorite thing about alcohol. It helps me forget about my sadness. I got a massage from my boss asking me if I could come tomorrow or am I still sick, I texted him that I feel better and I apologize for leaving early. When I was on my seventh beer I finally started to feel tipsy so I payed my drinks and went home where my judgmental cat was waiting to give me her look of disappointment because I was out for too long. "Yeah, yeah, quit being my mom" I told her and went under the shower. Hot water was falling down my face as I was looking up and just standing there like a statue. I hate taking showers because they made me think and thinking makes me remember what I was trying to forget.
You killed us!
I grab my towel and get out of the shower. My hands were shaking. I look at the mirror and saw myself looking like a homeless guy, fuck I looked terrible. I really need shaving.  I thought to myself and slowly touch my spiky chin. I grab my razor and shaving cream.
After my chin was smooth again, I went to my bedroom and wait for Kira who is now sleeping with me. After Eijiro and I broke up, I felt horrible and my cat somehow knew that and she decided she'll sleep with me to make me feel better. And it works. "Goodnight Kira" I whisper and pat her until she fall asleep next to me.



"Eijiro? You're not listening to me" I shook my head and look at my girlfriend who wasn't happy at all. "I'm sorry Katie.....It was a long and stressful day" I said as we were sitting in her bed. "Alright I forgive you but just because you're cute" Katie kissed my cheek and lay back. "Oh, yeah I got a call from my boss, I have work tomorrow" she immediately lift up and look at me: "But tomorrow is our anniversary!" yes, Katie is one of those girls that celebrate their relationship every month and it's kind of boring. If we would celebrate Christmas every month than I'm 100% sure Christmas would become boring. And Katie did that, she made a special day that only comes once a year, once a month thing and I don't really like it that much. When Katsuki and I were a couple, he made our day, the best day in the whole year and every time it was something different and better. Katie just likes to go to the park where we meet and then to the restaurant where we had our first date. While Katsuki took us climbing and diving and do manly and adventures stuff. I still remember the date. We started dating 22.5. "I'm really sorry Katie but he called me last minute, heroes are seriously needed now and I can't just tell them that I'm not coming because I have a date with my girlfriend" she didn't like my answer at all: "It's not just a date, Eijiro!" "I know, I know. But they wouldn't understand" I kissed her and lay down. "So you're going to spend our anniversary with your ex boyfriend?" she lay next to me. "I promise you that we act professional" she finally let it go and went to sleep.
I woke up first so I let her sleep and went to the kitchen to make us breakfast. Before I left, I kissed my girlfriend and said I'll get out of work as fast as I could. But didn't really mean it, I felt bad but I just really didn't want to celebrate again. When I got to our locker room, Katsuki was already there, all dressed up. "Good morning" I said and meant it. Katsuki looked like he hasn't slept at all. "Morning" he said and walk out of the locker room. I dress up and tied my long hair that was over my shoulder. Katie told me to get a hair cut because she thinks it's too long but I like it thst way. I remember Katsuki always telling me how beautiful I look with long hair. Before I could blush, I push that thought away and left the locker room. "Hey Ground Zero, are you okay? You look exhausted" he ignored my question and walk on so I followed him. "So that means no-" "Please stop talking to me" Katsuki said calmly and walk on. "Oh, okay" so he's still mad at me. "I'm sorry, Katsuki. I didn't want to hurt-" Katsuki show me to be quiet and I immediately knew that something was wrong. He got ready to fight and so did I. Then the building on my left exploded and I villain jump out of it. "Red Riot!" Katsuki yelled and tried to warn me but before I could harden, a building fall on me. "NO!"

Will Bakugou go and save Kirishima or will he fight the villain first???

Here's how Kirishima looks with his long hair when he's on duty. Other days he just loves to braid them or leave them down.

(credits goes to tecochet on tumbler)

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(credits goes to tecochet on tumbler)

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