New Guy?

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"The fuck am I saying? That only happens in movies Katsuki!" I heard a laugh so I quickly turn and saw a tall guy with brown curly hair: What only happens in movies, huh Katsuki?" he asked and walk to me. He looked really cute. "The fuck do you care?" I said and put on my bitch face. "You look familiar. Do I know you?" he smirked and lift his hand but I just stared at him: "No and you can stop being nice because I don't buy any of that" the mystery guy kept smiling at me. "I like you, you're interesting" "And you are not" I swear if that man won't stop talking I will explode. "My name is Haru" he lift his hand and wait for me to shake it but I ignored it again. "Well you already know my name" he gave up and put his hands in his hoddie. "That is true but it is not my fault that you talk to yourself at loud" I was so done with that shit. "Look I'm sorry. I'm new in this town and I'm kinda lost" I looked at my phone to see what time is it. I need to go home and feed my cat, so I put my phone in my jacket and look at the new guy: "That's not my problem" and then I left without him following me. But while I was walking home I was thinking about Haru, he looked cute. His brown shot curly hair looked similar to Deku's, his beautiful golden eyes and his face looked really soft. Shit, I can't think like that about him. Can I?
When I got inside, Kira was already waiting for her food. "I just meet a guy named Haru" I said to her while giving her some water and food. "He was annoying but cute" but my cat didn't care, she only wanted food. Still I decided to talk about him. "Well it's true that I don't know him and was probably for the last time but if I think about him, I forget about Eijiro." my cat finally looked at me and gave me a little attention. "Yeah, I know, I'm stupid. But I just need to get my life back and thinking about Eijiro will not help" then I realized. I stand up and let Kira eat while I went into my room and look at all those pictures I put on the wall. I took a deep breath and grab the photo of our first date. "Goodbye Eijiro" I whisper and put it in the box. Every photo that I put back in the box made me more and nore sad. The last one, our engagement, that one hurt the most. When I was done, I put the box back on the shelf. I wasn't ready to destroy it but that time would come, I just need to wait. Today was a long day, so I decided to go straight to bed but of course someone decided to bother me.

Pinky: Sup Bakubro! 😉

Bakugou: If you want to say something about Eijiro you can just stop because I don't care

Pinky: Actually I was going to invite u to a SUPER cool party tomorrow🎉🎂😘

Bakugou: On Sunday?

Pinky: Yeah why not??? 🤔

Bakugou:  Is this another plan to make Eijiro my boyfriend again because in that case I don't want to come

Pinky: NOOOO! It's just a welcome back party🎉. Eijiro got out of the hospital today so I decided to celebrate❤️

Bakugou: I didn't know that

Eijiro didn't tell me he got out of the hospital. Ouch, I felt a little hurt.

Pinky: That's because we r just driving out of the hospital🚗

Bakugou: Are you texting and driving?!

Pinky: Nope, Katie is driving😘she's super nice

Bakugou: Bye

Pinky: NOOOOOOO😩 I'm sorry I won't speak of her ever again

Pinky: Bakugou????? U there

Bakugou: Nope, I died

Pinky: Great! See u at the party tomorrow😘

Sometimes I just want to kick her back to America. She makes me exhausted so quickly. I wonder if Deku will be there because there is no way in hell that I will go alone to my ex boyfriend welcome home party. Is Eijiro even okay with me being there? I mean, probably, we became friends so it's only normal for me to come. But his girlfriend will be there and I'm not sure if that is normal, she probably hates me already. "Eh, I don't like her as well" I said to Kira who had no idea what was happening right now, so she just lay down next to me. "I sometimes wish I was a cat, you got it so easy" Kira startled at me like she was offended. "Don't give me that look. It's not like you have to work with your ex" when she turned away I knew I won that fight so I pat her for a while and just look on my Instagram. Until:

Eijiro: Hey, so apparently Mina already informed you about me leaving the hospital

Eijiro: And probably already invited you to my party that I didn't plan on having but Mina and Katie really wanted to make me something for my quick recover

Eijiro: Anyway, I hope you'll be there, goodnight

I didn't respond back because I didn't know what to say. I mean, I'm not sure if I'm going anyway. I put my phone away and turn off the lights, leaving myself in the dark ready to fall asleep. But I didn't, I couldn't. So I listen to Kira's purring and watch the dark ceiling.



1 hour ago

"I'm so happy to get out of this hospital bed!" I said while stretching my legs. "I'm so happy as well sweetie. It was getting lonely in our house" Katie helped me stand up and give me a big kiss in my cheek. "I have an idea! We should totally make you a party!" Mina tag along with Katie because she insist on meeting her. They get along really well. "That's a great idea Ashido" said Katie with a smile. "Eijiro what do you think?" they both looked at me. "I don't know-" "Come on! It will be super fun!" well it's been a while since I last saw my friends. "Okay, but nothing too big. Just a small party for my closest friends" they both nodded.
After 30 minutes I finally filled those boring papers that doctors gave me and we were finally on our way home. "I'll text your friends about the party" said Mina who was already typing on her phone so even if I would disagree it's would be too late because she is already in her texting zone. "Let's put on some music" Katie said and turn on the radio. I lay on my sit and close my eyes for a second.
Well.......that second became 10 minutes and we were already at Mina's place. "Bye guys! See you tomorrow and thanks for the ride" she stepped out of the car and type something on her phone. Then she looked at me and pointed at my phone. Katie turn her car and we were driving towards our house. While she was driving, I looked at my phone to see what Mina texted me.

Mina: P. S I invited Bakubro😘❤️😁

Of course she did, I thought to myself with a smile on myself. Than I remembered I completely forgot to tell Katsuki that I'm out of the hospital so I texted him but got no response. There is a big chance he won't come anyway


I've been thinking you even like Kira (Bakugou's cat) because I think I'm kinda annoying when I put her in😅

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