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I decided I'll finish what I started. But please don't hate me, my English is very bad


I woke up with a huge headache. Damn I drank too much last night. I had one hour before work so I decided to make myself some breakfast and feed my cat as well. Deku stopped texting me yesterday witch was a good thing because he was getting on my nerves. When it was almost time to leave, I went into my room to gram my hero suit when I saw a red box on the shelf. "I still have some time left" I said to myself and grab the box while getting comfortable on my bed. Opening that box was harder then I thought, because it was full of beautiful memories me and Eijiro sheared. When I grab the photo from our first day my first tear fell.


"Come on Bakugou! It's our first date, we need something to remember this day" Kirishima was pointing at his phone when we were sitting in the park and feeding ducks. "No, I don't like taking pictures of myself" I said and push him but gently. "But maybe one day you will regret not taking photo of us on our first date. Maybe our second won't be that good" he already prepared his camera but I decided to teas him a little: "Who said there will be a second date?" his expression changed in a second, he went from happy to worried. "So you didn't like it? Is that why you won't take a picture with me?" "It was a joke, of course I would like to go out with you again" but his face remain worried so I grabbed his phone, pull him closer and took that damn picture. "Happy now?" I asked. Kirishima grab my hand and pull me closer into a kiss. Our first kiss! That feeling was amazing, sure it was his first kiss and he didn't know how to do it and yeah it was my first kiss as well and I didn't know what was I doing as well but I enjoyed it. "Yes, I'm very happy" Kirishima said but I couldn't hear, all I could do was think about how his lips were perfect on mine. "Send mi this picture, I want it to be my background"

 "Send mi this picture, I want it to be my background"

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(Credits to the artist, idk who that is)

I put the photo away and grab another one. It was a vacation with my parents but that year they let me bring Eijiro with us. We were in water all day. My dad took that photo when we were just playing around and looking for some shelves.


"What do you think of this one? Beautiful, right?" Eijiro grab the shell and let me see it. "Nah, I found a bigger one" I said and show him mine. "Yeah it's big but I like mine better. Look it's so shiny" he giggled and made me blush so I gently kick him and he accidentally let go of the shell and it cracked. "Shit I'm so sorry babe" I said and tried to pick up the pieces. "It's okay, even broken things can be beautiful" he smiled with his shark teeth.

(Credits to the artist, idk who that is)


I felt something fluffy around my hand. It was Kira, wanting me to pat her. "Hey, girl" I whisper and wipe my tears. "Want to see my photos?" I asked and grab another one from the box. My eyes filled with even more tears. "This was our prom night. He was smiling all night, telling everyone that the next big event after graduation will be our wedding" Kira sensed my sadness and slowly lay next to me and purr. "And this-" I took a deep breath.


"How do I look?" Eijiro came out of his room fully dressed for the prom nigh. "Perfect" I put my arms around his hips and slowly start dancing. "What are you doing?" he asked and chuckle. "Dancing with my boyfriend" I answer and kiss his cheek. "Well save this dance for later, okay baby?" I nodded as we slowly kissed.
"Wow you two look really cute tonight" said Ashido when she saw us coming on the dance floor. "Thanks" was all Eijiro said and then grab my hand. "Let's finish that dance" he whisper to me as we started dancing. When the dance was over and some friends went to talk to Eijiro he started saying: "Next time I'll be putting a nice suit on myself will be when we'll get married" his friends took it as a joke and so did I but after our graduation he kneel in front of me. "Katsuki Bakugou I love you please marry me" the engagement ring wasn't made of gold or had that big diamond in the middle, it was a simple cheep ring but I loved that ring so much, because Eijiro gave it to me. "Yes! Yes I will" I said through my tears of happiness.

 "Yes! Yes I will" I said through my tears of happiness

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Prom night
(Credits to the artist, idk who that is)

The engagement
(Credits to the artist, idk who that is)


We were so close, only 4 months away from our wedding when I messed everything up. If I wouldn't make that mistake then he would be my husband by now and I would be named Katsuki Kirishima.
I grabbed all those photos and hang them on my wall while crying hard and loud. Crying like never before. This was my punishment. It was my fault and now I'll suffer forever. I loud scream came out of me, waking up my cat and making me more and more sad. "Please don't go Eijiro"

(Credits to the artist, idk who that is)

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(Credits to the artist, idk who that is)

Hope you liked it and my bad spelling didn't bother you that much😊

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