Awkward Meeting Part 2

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Please go easy on me. I'm new to all this and my English is really bad.


"Midoriya, Todoroki hey!" I waved at my friends. We haven't seen each other for so long. When me and my girlfriend walk to them I saw Bakugou. "Hey Bakugou" he wasn't really happy to see me. Was he still angry at me? We broke up 6 months ago. "Yeah, hi" Bakugou wasn't looking at me. His eyes were sad. Katie hold my hand and remind me that I need to introduce her. "This is Katie. My girlfriend" she smiled at my friends. "Katie those are my friends. Midoriya, Todoroki and..." I look at Bakugou who was still avoiding eye contact with me. "My ex Bakugou" Katie didn't like the idea of me meeting my ex but she tried to be nice: "Nice to meet you" we started a normal conversation when I saw Bakugou walking away from us. Did I do something wrong? I thought maybe we could be friends like we were before dating. "Hey Midoriya. Can I ask you something about Bakugou?" Midoriya looked confused: "Umm... Sure" "How is he? Is he seeing someone or is he still single" Katie looked at me a little jealous. "He's doing fine and no he's single. Bakugou is really busy with his hero job" "That's good to hear" I was searching for Bakugou, hoping he's still somewhere close but he was really gone. After 4 months of not seeing each other he finally move on. "Where did Bakugou go anyway?" Todoroki asked us. "No! We lost him. It was nice seeing you again but we need to go now. Bye Kirishima, bye Ketie" they walk away looking at their phones. "Your friends seems nice" I turn to my girlfriend: "They are. I'm sorry for putting you in awkward situations by meeting my ex" she smile and kiss: "It's fine don't worry"
I grab my phone and text Bakugou:

Hey bro!
Listen I know it's been awkward but I thought maybe we could be friends? You know like we were before dating and stuff.

Bakugou didn't reply so I put my phone back in my jacket and walk on with Katie.


Bakugou finally reply to my text. I was so nervous when I read it for some reason.

Friends? Why would you want to be my friend after 4 months of not talking? I don't think your girlfriend would like this. I just think it would be just awkward between us.

I see. So he really hates me. I didn't know what to think about that so I just text back:

I understand Bakugou.

Then we stopped texting to each other. For some reason I felt sad. Bakugou and I were best friends and now he wants me out of his life. I honestly don't know why I want to be his friend again. It feels right to contact him again. Maybe I miss him a little bit. AS A FRIEND OF COURSE! I don't like him anymore, I moved on and now I have a girlfriend.

When I went to bed I couldn't help but to think about Bakugou. Why now? I was okay without him for 4 months and now that I saw him again I can't get him out of my mind.

Idk I think it's not that bad......... 😶
Again please don't hate me

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