Old Friend

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I just want you to know that I finally watched Boku no hero academia movie and it was PERFECT!!!!! Bakugou was God like😍


A week pass and Eijiro started talking to me more and more and I finally started to see him as my friend and not as my lover. Eijiro was still in hospital but finally started recovering and I think he will leave soon and come back to work.
"Today is a good day, Kira" I said and mean it for the first time in a while. Kira ignored me and walk on our balcony. I grab my car keys and head out but before I could get to my car, I saw a familiar girl with pink hair. "Bakugou!" she yelled and started running towards me. Yep, that's Ashido. "The fuck are you doing here Pinky?" I asked her. Ashido moved to America almost a year ago because she got a really good job there. "Dude! Haven't seen you for months!" she hugged me against my will. Ashido didn't change much after high school, her hair got a little longer and she became less annoying other than that she is the same alien. "Again, the fuck are you doing here?" I asked confused after she let go of me. "Well I got two weeks off so I decided to visit my friends and family. It was supposed to be a surprise so I didn't call you" of course Ashido would do that, surprise is her middle name. I chuckle and let her hug me again. "So how are you? What's up? Are you finally the number one hero?" so many questions in one breath. "Chill girl. Nothing is up, I'm okay and no, I'm pretty satisfied with being second best hero" I told her and that was true. Deku won with a quirk that he made his own and I was proud of him. "What about you and Eijiro? Probably still not married because I didn't get the invitation" my heart stopped for a second. She doesn't know?! Should I tell her?!
I looked away as I said: "We.......we broke up" she started at me like I said something impossible. "What! How? You two loved each other so much!" "I know Pinky" I whisper. "What happened?" I decided I'll let her in my apartment and make some coffee. When we were waiting for coffee, Ashido didn't say a word, we were sitting in silence. "I-" I tried but gave up and gave her a cup of coffee. "When did it happen?" she asked me and the awkward conversation started. "More then seven months ago. We went into a big fight about something really personal" Ashido took a long sip and look into my eyes. "We didn't talk to each other for 4 months and after we finally meet each other again, he already moved on with some blondie!" she took another sip: "But you still love him right?" my cat was sitting on my couch and was giving me that awful look that was telling me: Didn't you say that today is good day? "I think I don't anymore. Eijiro and I are trying to be friends again just like the old times" Ashido punch my table and stand up really fast: "No way! I will stay here until you two are married! I ship you two! Kiribaku is my life!" I couldn't help but to laugh. Ashido really knows when and how to make jokes. "Kiribaku? What the fuck is that? A shitty couple name that's what it is" "Hey! I'm serious, I'll help you" she gently smile at me, letting me know she really isn't joking. "Thank you Ashido but Eijiro already has another one and we agree to stay just friends" she finally finished her coffee and then she grab my hand: "Let's go see him! I need to see my Kiri!" she forced me to stand up and then drag me out of my apartment. "To the hospital!" she yelled and run to her car. Of course her car is pink. I thought to myself. When she literally push me in her car I asked her how is her life. "Same old. America is actually pretty chill so I don't have too much work but it still gets hard sometimes" she said with a smile. I myself got an offer from America to work there but I turn them down and I don't regret a single thing.



Being in a hospital is super boring! You can't do a single fun thing, even the TV is boring. I can't wait to get out of here. Katie was busy with her job so I'll be alone all day but lucky for me she bought me puzzles to kill some time. I grab my headphones and grab the biggest puzzle.
"Surprise!" I quickly turn around in shock when someone just screamed. "It is I! Your favorite girl!" Mina Ashido was standing at the door with Katsuki next to her. "Mina?" I said with a smile. "The one and only" she run to me for a hug but stopped when she saw me in bandages, she gently gave me a warm hug. "Hey Eijiro" said Katsuki and sat next to me on my bed. "I decided to brought you little gift today" he said with a smile that was different from the smiles he gave me when we were a couple. "Bitch you need to tell me everything!" Mina said and literally destroy my puzzles. "Hell yeah, you too" this super boring day just became a great one. Hours and hours of just talking and laughing got me tired, don't get me wrong, I love Mina but she can be tiring sometimes. "Bitch when did you get yourself a girl? I mean Bakugou is a catch, why would you let him go" my smile quickly disappear, I turn to Katsuki who wasn't happy as well. "Pinky, me and Eijiro agreed to break up" he said. He looked really sad. "Mina, can we not talk about this?" I asked her and look away from Katsuki so it wouldn't be even more awkward. "No. I think that's really important. You two looked so happy together but today you both looked depressed even though you smile" "Mina not now please" I told her and slowly lay on my bed. Katsuki looked down and didn't looked good at all. "Come on Kiri, why won't you tell me what happened between you two?" Mina didn't let go of this topic. This happy meeting became too awkward. "I was just wondering....I mean you two were engaged! I was already planning your wedding and waited for one of you to ask me for being your maid of honor" Katsuki made an explosion before grabbing his jacket and walking out of my hospital room. "You went too far Mina" I said with disappointment in my voice. She just gave me the I'm so sorry look and run after my ex. I was all alone again with nothing but horrible thoughts. If my leg wouldn't be broken I would run after him as well but maybe it's for the best to just la in my bed and let them talk. I grab my phone and call Katie to see how is she and to forget about the drama with Katsuki.
Maybe being his friend was a bad idea
I thought before Katie answer my call.


I hope this is not too bad😂

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