Sunday Nigh Is Alright For Fighting

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"Bro! It's been so long!" I was so happy when I saw Kaminari and Jiro. "Dude! What's new!" he gave me a hug and we made our little bro hand shake. He didn't chance a bit, even his hair style is the same. "Nothing much, what about you?" I missed him so much. Then we saw Sero coming from the left. "Bro!" we run to him super fast and Mina soon join us. Now our little Baku squad was back together. Except for Katsuki but I kinda knew he wasn't coming.
"Now tell me how can someone with your quirk get into the hospital because he broke his bones? That's usually Midoriya's job" we all started laughing when Sero said that, even Midoriya looked our way and giggle. "By the way, how are your bones Midoriya?" Kaminari spilled his drink when Sero asked that. "You know, broken as usual" said Midoriya who was sitting not far from us with Todoroki. We all laugh with him and made a toast for his bones. "Babe, are you having fun?" Katie hugged me from behind and gave me a kiss. "Yes, thank you for this wonderful party" I said and gave her another kiss. "I'll bring us more popcorn" Katie left our living room and went into the kitchen. "She's....something" Kaminari said with a weird face that he makes when he does like something. "She's is not that bad, give her a chance bro" I don't really like alcohol but what the heck, it's my party so I took a long sip of beer. "I don't know, Katsuki was better" "Okay, please let's not talk about my ex boyfriend" they all stop talking and look at me. "What?" I asked. "Well, sorry Ei but it will be really hard not to talk about him when he's here" said Sero so I look behind me and saw him. Katsuki looked really good today, his blond spiky hair looked super fluffy, his smooth skin and those beautiful lips....... Damn it! "H- hey Katsuki" I quickly stand up and went to greet him. "Hey Eijiro, nice seeing you out of the hospital" he said with a dead face, then he walked to the couch and sat next to Midoriya. When Katie came back with popcorn, she did not look happy. She grab my hand and pull me into the kitchen. "What is Bakugou doing here?" "Well he's my friend and he's one of our little squad. Mina invited him" shit, she did not like that answer at all. "Who let her invite him! Didn't I tell you how he literally trow me out of the hospital that day" right, she really did complain about it for days. "Honey, calm down. I will talk to him about this"


"I'm here to say hello and than I'll leave" I said to myself, standing in front of Eijiro's house. "Here we go" I grab the handle and let myself in. When I got to the living room everybody looked at me except Eijiro who was showing me his back. "Well, sorry Ei but it will be really hard not to talk about him when he's here" said Sero. Then Eijiro looked right into my eyes. "H- hey Katsuki" he looked really beautiful when he's nervous. "Hey Eijiro, nice seeing you out of the hospital" he didn't say anything so I just quickly walk to Deku. Better be a third wheel than in awkward conversation with your ex. Soon after that his girlfriend came and drag Eijiro into the kitchen. "I'm really happy you came Katcchan" "Only to say hi" but I already said hi. I really should go. "Are you okay? After what you said-" "I know what I said. I mean it" maybe I was her just to see Eijiro with Katie and finally stop thinking about him. Maybe that's why I am here. "Okay, well I'm here if you need anything" Deku smiled but then turn to his boyfriend and totally ignored me so I look around a little. Red and pink balloons? Huh, Eijiro probably used both because girls were fighting about it. Of course he wants to make everybody happy.
I thought to myself. "So Bakugou! What's up?" I look at the other side of the couch where Kaminari was sitting with Jiro. "Why do you care Pikachu" they all started laughing. "Good to know you still remember how to be rude" said Kaminari and look at Jiro who was silent. "Bakubro! I'm super happy you came!" Pinky push Sero away and came close to me. "I just came to say hi and I won't mind some free food" Pinky laughed and touch my shoulder: "Yeah, yeah whatever helps you sleep at night" I push her away. That time Eijiro came back to the living room, really close to me and whisper: "Can you come with me? I really need to talk to you" I nodded and followed him to the kitchen where his girlfriend was looking with her judging eyes. "Yeah? Look if you're here to tell me that I need to leave than okay. I don't mind, I came here to say hi to everyone, anyway" Eijiro looked directly in my eyes: "Why did you kick Katie out of the hospital that day?" he asked. My heart stopped and I startled at his bitch. "Wait what! I didn't kick her out! She came to that stupid hospital and she tried to kick me out but all I told her was that she has no right to do that and that I'm staying!" Katie looked really pissed, she opened her mouth to yell at me but Eijiro was faster: "So you didn't trow her out?" "No, I don't give a damn fuck about her. She left the hospital because she didn't want to wait for you and before she left she hit me with that 'Eijiro loves me not you'. We know each other from high school and you believe her? Fine" I turn around and left the kitchen. This was a mistake, I never should have come her.


Katsuki left the kitchen. I looked at my girlfriend who didn't look so happy about that. "Why would you lie? And why would you say that to him?" "Wait, are you saying that this is my fault now? You believe him? That aggressive bitch! He's always around you, trying to break us up so he can have you for himself" of course I believed Katsuki, he was a lot of things but lying wasn't one of them. Katie's quirk was changing her skin color and she knows how to control that very well but when she is super angry, her skin becomes red like it became right now. "No he's not. I talked to him about that already" she came to me and lift her hand like she wanted to slap me but she didn't. "Yes he is! Why do you think he came her? Or wait 12 hours in the hospital? He is trying to win you back and you can't even see this!" she put her hand into her pockets and ker skin color went back to normal. Than I heard yelling from the living room so I decided to take a look. "Come on bro! Don't leave yet" Sero was standing close to Katsuki and was holding his hand. "Leave me alone you fucker! I ain't staying here" he punch him but not with his quirk and tried to leave again. "Katsuki!" I said and ran after him. "Katsuki please let's talk" he didn't turn to me but at least he stopped at my door. "Why so your bitch can tell you more lies about me?" "I believe you!" I yelled before he could leave me.

I don't know why but I love this title because I just love the song Saturday night is alright for fighting from Elton John😊

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