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"I think red would be better!" "I'm still voting for pink!" girls were fighting about decorations all day and it was making me laugh. I really didn't care about colors or decorations. But I was excited fot the party, I really wanted to see all my friends. So far everyone agreed to come except Katsuki, he ignored my massage. "Ei! Tell her you want red balloons" "Heck no! He would look like Pannywise! I think pink is better" That Pannywise comment got me laughing hard. "This party is not for you Mina! Eijiro's favorite color is red so we're going with red!" they already bought a lots of balloons so I decided: "Let's use both. Pink and red" they both looked at me. "Both? Are you sure honey?" Katie asked me. "Yeah, I'm okay with that" Mina loved the idea, Katie not so much: "But that would look weird. Pink and red balloons together? Nope" sometimes Katie can be a little control freak and that times it's better to let her do what she wants. But not me, I was once dating Katsuki so everybody knows I can live with angry people. "Maybe but this is my party so I choose both colors because Mina is right, we don't want to make a Pannywise impression" Katie's face became red out of anger, she didn't like my response at all. "Now excuse me but I need sone fresh air" I said and walk out before she could yell at me, besides a walk around the town won't hurt me. I walked around the streets until I got the the same old park were I used to go with Katsuki and other friends. I sat down on some old branch and took a deep breath. It's so great being outside the hospital again. That building is too depressing for me. After ten minutes of just smelling the fresh air I decided to go back and I regretted immediately.
"I don't care if Eijiro agreed, pink is to girly for him!" Katie yelled while Mina was destroying red balloons with her acid. "And don't even let me start on the surprise cake! You basically ruin it!" these two girls were ready to kill each other for colors. "Katie, calm down" I pull her into a hug and slowly went through her hair with my fingers. "Take a deep breath and calm down" she obeyed me so I turn my attention to Mina. "Please stop, you are destroying my floor with your quirk" Mina immediately stop and apologize. "Look girls, just let me do decorating and you two can go have fun" oh boy, this will be a long Sunday


"I think you should go, he invited you after all" said Deku, who was sitting on my table and drinking coffee. "Can you get down! In case you didn't notice, I have chairs!" Deku did what I told him and took another sip: "Don't change the subject Kacchan. Look it would be rude not to show up on his party, besides you won't be alone with him, me and Shoto will be there keeping you company" "We already talked about this Deku. I am trying to find someone new and get over Eijiro for good" Deku only smiled at me so I turn back to the sink and continue to wash my dishes. "Then at least come to say hello. After all, you two didn't talk for days now" "I won't promise anything but maybe I'll stop by to say hello" Deku put his empty cup into my sink and help me clean it. "Kirishima invited Kaminari and Sero, you can see some of your old friends" "They ain't my friends, I hang out with them because Eijiro liked them" Deku giggled and put the clean cup on the shelf. Someone knock on my door. "I'll go" said Deku and walk out of my kitchen. When he came back, he wasn't alone. "Bakubro! What's up man? Are you coming to the party, it will be so fun! Plus I'm starting to hate Katie, she is such a control freak" Pinky didn't stop talking, she gave me too many questions and informations. "Ashido, take a deep breath and start talking a little slower" said Deku who was confused as well. I find that really weird because Deku is usually the one who talks super fast and too many things at once. "She was so bossy! We were preparing Eijiro's house for tonight and she wanted to do what she liked! She didn't even listen to her own boyfriend! Bakubro you have to do something about it! I don't want her to marry my precious baby! You are the perfect match for Eijiro!" she took a deep breath after she got everything out of her mouth. "Look Eijiro likes her so stop being a dick and let him have her, I gave up and you should too" they both startled at me like I just killed someone. "Stop giving me that look fuckers! Deku why are you so surprised, I told you that like three times already" "Bakugou you can't give up now, Eijiro still loves you" I broke the plate I was cleaning and turn to Ashido: "No he doesn't! He said it himself! I tried too many times but I'm never the one. If you two really are my friends then faking support me because all those months you were making me feel like shit and giving me false hope!" my cheek became wet, I was crying. "I am trying to move on but because of you I can't! I can't and probably never will" then I look at my hands. I piece of broken plate was stuck in my left hand and everything was bloody. I quickly pull it out and press my towel on the scar. "Katcchan, we never wanted to give you false hope" Deku looked really sad, Ashido as well. "Both of you please get out before I kick you out myself" I said calmly, they nodded, grab their stuff and left me alone so I could cry. My tears were falling on my hands and my sink. They mixed with my blood and slowly dissappear. I couldn't move for a long time and once I finally did, I clean up my mess and grab a beer from the fridge.

I'm finally getting to the end of this story because I got a really good idea for the next fan fiction but I don't know if I should post it or just keep it to myself🤔it's about Bakugou (after graduation) adopting two girls after they were saved from villains that killed their parents. Anyway, Bakugou is being a single parent and sometimes he gets lonely and because he has two girls, guys don't want to be with him. But one day he bumps into Kirishima.......that's all, I actually have the whole story in my head but I don't know if it's good enough to post it

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