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I heard something was wrong so I turn around and show Eijiro to shut the fuck up already. He finally understood and get into his position. Suddenly the building on our left exploded and a villain came out, laughing. "Red Riot!" I yelled but before Eijiro could turn and harden his body, pieces of building fell on him. "NO!" I screamed. Villain immediately knew I wasn't focus so he attacked me from behind. I tried to dodge him but was took by surprise so he took all his force on my left hand and broke it immediately. That villain knew who was he dealing with, he knew my hands are needed for my quirk. I quickly turn and hide my left hand while kicking him away from me. I need to save Eijiro, but with a villain ready to attack, I couldn't get closer to him. I lift up my right hand and make a huge explosion to make some smoke, it was now my chance for a surprise attack. But my broken hand was making things harder so I grab the granate on my hand and pull it off, I took a deep breath because it was so painful. Then I make some more smoke and attack. I found him quickly, he was trying to get some fresh air. Apparently he didn't know enough about me, that was one of my greatest moves, I can make myself invisible in the smoke and took the enemy down because a lot of them are not use to breath bad air. "You bitch!" I grab him by his hair and lift him up, only to kick him again and again and again. Until he puke blood and couldn't move. The police arrived fast, so I run to the building that was covering Eijiro. I started digging and removing big rocks away. "Please be okay" I whisper while digging with my right hand. Even though I was trying as fast as I could, I was still slow because I had only one hand, I called for help and police run to me and help me get Eijiro out. He was covered with blood and some bones were looking out of his leg. I heard some sirens and saw ambulance coming, they took me away from Eijiro and take a look at my hand, while they carried Eijiro.
"You didn't even start with your work and you're already leaving" Deku said with a sad smile on his face. He tried to look like nothing was wrong but I knew he was sad. "Is Eijiro okay?" I asked without taking my eyes off of him. "He's alive, that's all I can say" his smile started to fade. "Go with him, you know Kirishima hates hospitals" I only nodded and run to Eijiro. They let me come with them only because my arm needed to be looked properly.  When we got there, doctors were all over him, I got scared.
Eijiro needs a really risky surgery, only 30% change he will leave. Yes I wanted him out of my life but not like this! After doctors properly treat my left hand, they let me go but I decided to sit down in the waiting room and stay with Eijiro until the surgery. 2 hours of waiting, Eijiro's girlfriend came and she did not look happy when she saw me. "What are YOU doing here?" she asked. "Excuse me? Your boyfriend is dying and the first thing you asked was what am I doing here?! Eijiro has only 30% change to survive and you care about me being here because I'm his ex!" she did not like my answer at all: "You should go home now" well I didn't not like her answer either. I stand up so she wouldn't be the one looking down on me: "You will not tell me what to do! I am here because my co-worker is injured and I have all the rights to be here!" her angry face became scared and she took a few steps back. "Fine, then stay here. But if you think you still got a chance with Eijiro, you are wrong! He loves me and not you!" she sat on the other side of the room and ignored me for the rest of the waiting. I was hurt, really hurt. She really knew how to hit me. I slowly sat back down and took deep, long breaths. 30 minutes later the doctor came in asking Katie to sign up some papers for the surgery. "How much will this cost?" she asked before signing. "No need worry m'am, the surgery will be for free. We only do our best for heroes" when she heard that, she smiled and sign the papers. "Excuse me" I said and got their attention. "When can you do the surgery and how long would it take?" "Our best surgeons are getting ready, they will begin in 10 minutes and it will take us around 12 hours to do the surgery" Katie looked shocked: "What? I need to be here for 12 hours!?" and that bitch was a better girlfriend than me?! How!? "Well you don't need to, you can go home and get some rest while we do the surgery" she immediately grab her purse, said goodbye and left. That bitch went home?!
I waited in the waiting room for 10 hours and every minute that past made me more and more nervous. Deku visit me two times, bringing me some food and coffee. I was so tired but I couldn't sleep without knowing that Eijiro will live. Another hour past when four doctors came to me, I quickly stand up. They finished early! The surgery failed! "The surgery was successful, Red Riot is a fighter that's for sure" my eyes filled with tears of joy. "You can go to him but he will be asleep for some time" I nodded and left the waiting room, walking fast to the room he was staying in. Eijiro was covered with bandages. I slowly sat on the chair next to the bed.


I woke up but my eyes were closed. Everything hurts as hell. Something warm was touching my hand. I slowly open my eyes and to my surprise I saw Katsuki, holding my hand and looking extremely tired. "Hey" he whisper when he saw me. "What happened?" I asked with pain. It was so hard to talk. "The building crashed on you. You just finished your 11 hour long surgery with only 30% to live" wow, that was to much information. I startled but tried to sat down. "Don't, you need to rest baby" I look at him surprised, Katsuki was surprised as well. "I didn't-" "I know. You're tired, I'm tired. Don't worry" I yawn while trying to smile. "Is Katie-?" "She went home. She'll probably come back soon" wait??? Did Katsuki stay here 13 hours but Katie didn't even stay for one. That kind of hurt. If she would be in my position, I would stay here with her just like Katsuki. "What about the villain?" "Arrested, don't worry ,I've took care of everything" I notice he was still holding my hand, I blushed but let him. "Thank you, Katsuki. But I can see you're tired, go home and get some rest" he smiled but I could saw tears, he was happy. "Look, if you still want to be my friend....." he stand up and only now I saw bandages on his left hand. "I would love to hang out" he's cheeks colored pink: "As friends of course" I chuckle, Katsuki looked really nervous, he was always so cute. "Bro, I would love that too" I said, Katsuki smiled at me even more and then walk out.

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