Chapter 1

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The Job


Jungkook coughed when he leaned himself up, his back aching from sleeping on the ground.
He was all too used to the pain of it, it was normal.

For him it was normal to be in pain, it was all he knew now, he knew how to survive, he knew how to be okay, even in the worst of circumstances.

He sighed, grabbing his bag.
He began walking in the snow, his flip flops frozen.
His toes were a pale white color, he couldn't feel them, his entire body was ghost pale, along with that he was underweight.

The youngers stomach growled loudly, he sighed and looked at the trash's, they were empty, trash day was today "Dammit..." jungkook mumbled under his breath, a puff of wind blowing out through his chapped lips.

He was shaking madly, the weather getting colder.
The younger looked around, seeing the job board, he sighed "I need to get something, something to get out of the cold" Jungkook spoke staring at the job applications.

The Kim Company...

Meet us at Xxx-xxx-xxx-xxxx

Or call us at XXX-XXX-XXXX

The younger gulped "Maybe I'll take it..." Jungkook spoke "Tsk? You taking that Kim company job" a voice spoke "W-What?" Jungkook asked "Your really serious about taking that job, your a homeless slob, worthless trash, a worthless jobless human being" he spoke "I'm sorry...I'll leave" Jungkook spoke "Kim company, you should just kill yourself you know, end it, nobody's gonna hire you, you even smell bad...Such trash in the streets need to be picked up and demolished

"Who the hell do you think you are taking about somebody that way" a voice snapped the crystal silence "what...Oh-shit! Kim taehyung" the man spoke "now who are you to say who can and can't work for me" He spoke angrily "I-I" the male began "fucking exactly you asshole, he's working for us now, now leave me and my new assistant alone" Taehyung snapped watching the male leave

Soon he smiled at Jungkook "Hello! I'm Kim Taehyung" The male spoke holding out his hand, jungkok shakily shook it "Y-Your so cold...Here" the male spoke giving the younger his coat and gloves "Meet me tomorrow, I'm going to treat you to anything you need" the male spoke and Jungkook smiled "T-Thank you"

Thought I was done with this book

Guess not 😂

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