Chapter 5

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The Date


Jungkook gulped as he stared at his clothes, it was casual wear, but nicer in a way.
He walked out of his room, walking to Taehyung.

The word date replaying over and over again.
He smiled at the elder who patted his head "Soooo~ you ready for our date?" He asked and Jungkook smiled "I've never been on one so" Jungkook spoke "It's new to me" he giggled "Well, welcome to the land of dates!" Taehyung giggled and Jungkook scratched this neck "Why are you so nervous kook?" Taehung Asked with a smirk "I don't know! I don't know what it's like to be on a date so! I don't know what to do!" Jungkook spoke and Taehyung smirked "Leave that to me okay" He spoke "Now let's go!"

They ended up at a romantic movie, "I can't believe my first movie will be a romantic one like..." Jungkook spoke "Hey! Don't be so judgmental! This may be the best thing you'd ever see!" Taehyung spoke and Jungkook giggled "sureeee" the younger replied "It smells good here" the younger spoke "It's popcorn kook" Taehyung spoke "Pop-Pop What?" Jungkook asked "Popcorn" Taehyung spoke "What's popcorn?" Jungkook asked "You'll see" taehyung smirked.

When the ladies saw him, it was as if time for them stoped, they offered free popcorn but Taehyung denied, paying.
Jungkook admired that about the elder, and Jungkook never took advantage of Taehyungs money, he always tried to pay the elder back, but it was always denied.

Jungkook shook his thoughts away when he was pulled to his left.
Getting pulled into a theater "Woooooow!" Jungkook spoke while staring at the rows of seats. And the huge screen, his eyes now big doe eyes full of wander and curiosity.
Taehyung chuckled at the youngers Reaction taking him to a seat and sitting him down "Wooow!" Jungkook spoke again shocked at what he was seeing, that's when the screen began to play trailers, and Jungkook was instantly into the screen "Jungkook" Taehyung spoke, but  the  younger ignored, his mouth open as he stared at the screen

Taehyung smirked as he put popcorn in the youngers mouth watching as Jungkook chewed it nervously, the youngers eyes soon glistened, he soon grabbed more and put the handful in his mouth.

Taehyung knew That this would be the best time of his life

And it was.

"Waaah! Why'd she have to die!" Jungkook spoke, his eyes full of tears "Whyyyy!" Jungkook spoke and Taehyung giggled "told you you'd love it!" Taehyung mocked and Jungkook  giggled, his eyes soon softening "Hey....I used to live, on the ground right there" Jungkook spoke and Taehyung gulped "It was hard...laying on the boiling ground during the summers, and then the winters....The cold ground" jungkook spoke, talking about the things he never could do.

The things he had taken away..

That's when he heard soft sniffles "Taehyung?" Jungkook asked, Turing to see the elder crying "Taehyung!? What's wrong?" Jungkook asked "I-I....." Taehyung spoke "I'm sorry...." the elder spoke, while letting out a sob "What?" Jungkook asked "I'm sorry that....that all happened to you! Your such a good guy, a sweet guy, a handsome ball, your sweet, kind, everything! And all that happened to you!
I'm over here being rich and famous while you..:you had that" Taehyung sobbed and Jungkooks eyes teared up, his heart breaking

He soon ran to taehyung hugging him tightly, his heart racing fast "It's okay taehyung you saved me, I'm glad you did, with that winter I would've been dead..." Jungkook spoke and Taehyung smiled, feeling his tears he wiped away "Thank you Jungkook..."

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