Chapter 17

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His Brothers


Also A Finale

"Taehyung....I don't know about this" Jungkook spoke "Baby, tell me what your feeling" taehyung spoke "Fuck, if I were to put it all in words.....Absolutely fucking insane....I just found out my mom had a Kid before me, she didn't actually die, she got remarried, her son aka my brother tried to kill me twice, he's dead at just fifteen, my dads back, and this situation hit him so hard he had to go back to rehab, I don't even...Know my life anymore Taehyung" Jungkook spoke "I'm surprised your still even with me" jungkook spoke watching Taehung sit more comfortably in the back of the taxi "Jungkook I love you, I'll always love you, married or not I'd support you....I wouldn't leave you because you have problems, I'm here and I always will be" Taehung spoke and Jungkook smiled grabbing Taehyungs hand

"What would I do without you" Jungkook spoke "Mmmm, you'd probably be off somewhere" Taehyung spoke "Without the handsome ol me" he smirked "oh so now your a manly man whom had I not met my eyes wouldn't know beauty......Goddamned accuracy up in here" Jungkook spoke while laughing, taehyung to laughing at the youngers words "don't worry Kookie, I'll always be here for you, day in and day out" Taehyung spoke and Jungkook smiled even brighter


They arrived at the Min home just minutes after their conversation, the home was nice, atleast from the outside.
Jungkook slowly walked with Taehung and his mom inside, seeing two males.

One looked to be strong, buff, while the other looked slim, almost tired.
Jungkook stood before them "H-Hello I'm Kim Jungkook" Jungkook spoke pulling his hand out shaking his hand with the buffer man "I'm Jaewansoo" he spoke with a smile "and this here is Yoongi" he spoke and Yoongi smiled a bit .

Jungkook sat down slowly looking at all the family pictures.
He felt guilt, he felt a sudden feeling of burden, he kept thinking 'I ruined this happy family by being weak, they lost a son, because of me'

It made him want to break down, he just wanted to run and cry, let the guilt eat him, but he had to sit and watch this family be broken, all their family pictures being the last moments they were a family.
His eyes landed on one, it was Wan, Elena Jaewansoo, and Yoongi, all smiling happily on what looked like a family vacation.

He knew Taehung noticed his sudden change in mood, which led him to hold Jungkooks hand tighter.
Jungkook smiled at Taehung, trying to not let his tears flow, trying to make sure he was strong and not weak anymore.
But it was far to hard now, everyone was so nice to the younger and it only added to the painful guilt that overpowered Jungkook.

And with each smile he could see pain, pain of losing their son, because even though Wan May have done bad things, like everyone he deserves love to.
He made back choices, and those led him to die, and it all led back to jungkook, it led back to him, and him being weak

"I-I can't do this...." Jungkook mumbled, fiddling with his hands "What was that jungkok?" Jaewansoo Asked "Sorry! Umm, where's the bathroom?" Jungkook asked "It's back down that left hallway, and it's the right door, the very last one" he replied and Jungkook stood up, staring at Taehyung for a few seconds before walking to the bathroom

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