Chapter 7

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New Things


Taehyung gasped when he was kissed by Jungkook, his heart pounded like crazy.
He soon melted into the kiss, kissing back "Wow..." Taehyung spoke "Was I bad at kissing?" Jungkook asked "I've never been kissed before, so I don't know" Taehyung replied with a giggle.

Thad's when it began raining a bit.
Taehyung grabbed Jungkooks hand with Angie smile on his face.

Soon the two began to run around in the rain, being adorable together.
The two forgot their worries, forgot what happened that day.

They laughed so much that day.

They were happy.....


"so Mr Jungkook, what else has your beautiful face not seen" taehyung asked with a smile, pecking Jungkooks nose "Hmmm...Well I've never ridden a roller costar (Same Jungkook)

"WHAT! HAVE YOU LIVED KOOK!?" Taehyung yelled and Jungkook laughed loudly "Hey sorry your ex poor boyfriend had no money's to have that kind of fun" Jungkook giggled and Taehyung smirked "Again we're going on a 'Jungkook hasn't done this before' date" Taehyung smiled and Jungkook pecked his lips, soon turning it to a passionate kiss "I love you Tae" jungkook spoke "I wasn't sure I was ever going to he capable of love...Capable of feeling such a bound with somebody" Jungkook spoke while caressing the elders check "But you came along, and made me feel alive again" Jungkook spoke soon leaning down and kissing Taehyung again  "I love you too kook...." Taehyung spoke "Now, let's go to that amusement park eh?"


The amusement park was huge, so many different rides, Smells, lights, everything Jungkook had never experienced before "Wow Tae...This place is amazing" Jungkook spoke as he looked left and right, taking in everything.
"You know I love you, and I'd do anything for the one I love" Taehyung spoke "Aweeeee" jungkook replied kissing the elder, putting his arm around him "Cutie" Taehyung spoke

The two soon went on the biggest ride "Kook, hold my hand okay?" Taehyung asked and Jungkook nodded "With pleasure" he spoke soon holding the elders hand tightly.

That's when the ride began, Jungkook was quite Anxious, Wandering how fast it would really go
"WAAAAAAH THISJSKSLDK" Jungkook spoke as the ride fell down and up as intense speeds, taehyung laughing loudly at his boyfriends reaction.
Jungoook went from scared though,  to laughing and having fun.
And once they went off, Jungkook knew he would go on every ride there

And the two did, so many rides, laughter between the two.
They grew closer and closer as each minute passed.
They were happy, the happiest they've been.

They had the best meal of a lifetime that night, it was home cooked/made (Your choice).

Jungkook sighed as he leaned against the bed frame, picking up his phone and staring at the pictures the two took that day, smiling at them.
He soon leaned down to the sleeping figure before him, kissing him "I love you Tae....So much"

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