Chapter 9

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The Collapse


Jungkook sighed as he entered his and Taehyungs home.

It was quiet, oddly quiet, and the air was tense.

Jungkook turned his head a bit "Taehyung?" The younger asked confused, looking for the elder.
Eventually he found the elder, sitting in the living room. He looked upset, almost angry "Taehyung? Everything okay?" Jungkook asked "No, Jungkook it's not okay!" Taehyung snapped, turning to the younger "An online post says you punched a defenseless man, saying he had a bunch of disorders, and said something" Taehyung began "You Hurt a man with disorders because he said something!? Really Jungkook!" Taehyung yelled "Wait- What- That's not how it happened!" Jungkook spoke shocked "Really!? I have the video here!" Taehung snapped, playing it.

Jungkook stared at it for a moment shocked "Taehyung, listen! It's not what you think really -" jungkook began but Taehyung was far to angry to care "Explain! I got all the explaininimg I needed from this very video!" The elder yelled "You Hurt a man! Because you can't control your rage! You almost hurt somebody badly! Maybe you did Hurt Him! I don't even know why I helped you! Why I trusted you! Your such an asshole! You used me! Now my name and job is put under that you put the Kim company at risk!"

"SHUT THE FUCK UP!" Jungkook yelled, in normal circumstances he would never raise his voice at Taehyung, but he had to "Taehyung, that guy you saw me punch, the one that was said to have disorders! He tried to kill me" Jungkook spoke "What the fuck ever Jungkook, your just lying to get out of this" Taehyung snapped and Jungkooks eyes filled with tears, and immediately he began to sob loudly, putting a hand over his mouth "H-His Name is Wan...M-Min Wan...And when I was thirteen he tried to kill me" Jungkook spoke, turning around "obviously you don't want to listen to me so....I'll leave" Jungkook spoke "Yeah Jungkook, that'd be great."

It was the way it used to be now.
Jungkook had a hoodie, some sweatpants.
He had a bit of the money he earned, but it quickly ran out.
The younger cried, so much.
He was in pain, his heart was in pain.
The one he loved most left him, left him like he was trash.
Jungkook stood up, his face swollen from crying.

His heart was shattering, it was like each day he'd wake up to another nightmare.
That nightmare being, he didn't have Taehyung now.

He slowly walked down the street, only to be met with Wan "Damn, Loom at that, looks like Taehyung, kicked your ass out" Wan spoke "Just leave me alone" Jungkook spoke, pushing passed him "You happy now? You tried to lil me, and now you took away the one person! THE ONE DAMN PERSON  I loved" Jungkook yelled "I hope your fucking happy" Jungoook spoke before going to walk away.

He could see Wan, he was shocked, unsure, as if his eyes were just opened up.

But he replaced it with rage.

He began to push Jungkook, knowing where he was going.

"I'm finishing what I started..." he spoke

That's when Jungkook realized he was at a bridge


Taehyung sighed as he drove his car down the long bridge, he was so alone, so sad without his true love.

He knew he reacted badly he knew he fucked up.
But the feeling of that moment when he saw Jungkook cry, he knew it was real, and he let his rage get the best of him.

His eyes widened thought when he saw two figures on the ledge of the bridge, one of the males pushing another.

Tawhgung dashed out of his car door, not caring of the traffic around him.
That's when he saw his Jungkook....and the male from before.
Fear, anger, guilt all filled up Taehyung "STOP!" The elder yelled, seeing the Wan figure stop "Why are you here" Wan snapped "I'm saving my boyfriend" Taehyung snapped "Don't you dare hurt him" Taehyung spoke "I'll give you anything, money, anything for you to not hurt him" Taehyung spoke "Anything?" Wan Asked "Anything" Taehyung replied

"Request denied" he spoke before pushing Jungkook harshly, the younger stumbling back "NO!" Taehung yelled "Goodbye Jungkook" he spoke before pushing the younger harshly.

Cracks, that's all Jungkook heard.

The sounds of his bones breaking one by one when he hit That water.
He felt like he was floating, blood surrounding him.

He could only see the moon, the stars, his breaths no longer coming.
His mind wandering if this was it.
That's when he felt himself being pulled out.

"Jungkook! Jungkook baby can you hear me!?" A deep voice yelled and Jungkook coughed, a thick substance mixing with salt water escaping "Oh my god..." Taehyung spoke "I-I'm here Tae..." Jungkook spoke, feeling his body go limp, his hand splashing in a water substance.
He was under the bridge now, taehyung covered in water and blood, covered in his boyfriends blood.
Covered in Jungkooks blood

The younger went to grab Taehyungs hand, pushing through his pain, the limpness that once took over
Blood was over his arm and hand, People above yelling, ambulances and cop cars sirens echoing nearby, their lights just barley showing off over the bridge
"T-Taehyung...I'm sorry" Jungkook spoke "no, no no, don't be sorry this is all my fault, me and my damn rage" Taehyung sobbed "I-I like you feisty though" Jungkook giggled, seeing Taehyung smile "T-There we go.....There's that smile I missed..." Jungkook spoke feeling his vision blur "Taehyung I love you so much" Jungkook spoke holding Taehyungs hand with all his strength.

But then the world became muffled, and time, become slow motion.

That's when Jungkooks strength gave out, and black took over.

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