Chapter 15

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Jungkook smiled at the bright blue sky above him, letting the air, the fresh air, fill his lungs.
The days were bright, full of love.
Jungkook was in love, and now he was married to that man, the man whom changed his life forever.

It had been a week since the two got married, they still were on they're honeymoon in Hawaii.
They decided they'd do another day alone, hoping this time nothing bad would happen.

Jungkook spent that day buying gifts for Taehyung, necklaces, bracelets, some shirts.
He wanted to give him the sweet things in life.

He slowly walked down the palm treed streets, the smell of salt water now in the air, the sun brightly shining down, the breeze so light, just enough to cool you down.
Jungkook made it to the hotel, wrapping his gifts up quickly, making sure they looked perfect.

Then he went to the kitchen and began to make food.
He was by the stove, cooking chicken, the air filling up with its scent.

He gasped when arms wrapped around his waist, and a head leaned on his shoulder "Tae?" Jungkook asked with a smile "Mmm?" Taehyung asked a bit tired "You okay? You sound tired" jungkook spoke and Taehyung Chuckled "Yeah, I'm pretty tired, tired of not seeing you" He spoke and Jungkook giggled "You Damn cheese, go lay down and rest okay" Jungkook spoke "okay Mr Kim" he spoke and Jungkook blushed.

That name was now his too, and it made him so happy, so glad.
He soon was done with the chicken, placing it on two plates

 He soon was done with the chicken, placing it on two plates

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He soon walked to the bedroom, Taehyung already fast asleep.
Jungkook smiled at him "Tae, dinners ready" Jungkook spoke and Taehyung slowly leaned up, falling back down.
Jungkook shook his head with a small laugh "aishhhhh" he spoke walking away, beginning to clean the dishes.
He soon sat down and began eating, seeing Taehung sit down too "Tae!" Jungkook spoke "You finally woke up!" Jungkook giggled and Taehyung rolled his eyes playfully "he quiet you little butthole!" Taehung spoke and Jungkook giggled "okay Mr Tired boy" Jungkook replied

Soon the doorbell rang "oh great, I'll go get it" jungkook spoke, standing up.
He soon walked over to the door.

And when he opened it....

His eyes widened


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