Chapter 13

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Time Of Peace


Jungkook sat at the cafe, talking to his father, the bond that was once lost, back in such exploding colors

"Oh! Dad guess what! I'm gonna get married!" Jungkook spoke with a smile "What?" He asked with a bright smile "SHOW ME THE BLING SON!" He spoke happily, soon Jungkook pulled his hand onto the table "Does he treat you well?" He asked "Yes, he helped me in the time i was homeless, he gave me a home, fed me, gave me a only took a look into his brown eyes for me to be in love" Jungkook spoke "Wow...He's a great guy, I'm glad you have at-least one guy in your life worth loving" He spoke and Jungkook sighed "dad, listen to me"

"Everyone deserves forgiveness, everyone, even after the things they did, you too, no matter what you may have done, you are and always will be my father, and the fact you, you tried to fix things, and would let me choose what I'd do, it speaks levels dad" Jungkook spoke and His father smiled "I umm....I wanted to talk about your mother Jungkook" He spoke "Y-Yeah...go on" Jungkook spoke feeling his body grow weak again, remembering how not long ago he vomited his stomach contents
"Jungkook....After Elena passed, I became a monster, not saying before that I wasn't a perfect dad, because I wasn't, I did a lot of bad things, it was partly because I was working three jobs, and barley slept and ate.....But the biggest change was her dying, the love of my life dying, when she was taken away, I turned to alcohol, and before I knew it was was an alcoholic and I treated you so badly, so badly, the things I said, the things I did.....I'll never be able to forgive myself for it, no matter what" He spoke

"But then after you let it was a wake up call, so I got help, and was diagnosed with a bad depression, and I was declared an alcoholic, but through therapy i found myself, it took so many years, and I thought I was better, then I saw you that day, and I was drink again, that day was the day me and your mother met, and I couldn't handle it again, but yet again I broke you down, it was the biggest mistake of my life" he spoke

"Yet again I went to therapy and they helped me, again" He spoke "I'm finally able to cope and be happy, and I'm no longer an alcoholic, and my depression slowly went away, it got better these months, until eventually I was able to be off it" he spoke with a smile "I'm proud of you dad" jungkook spoke "Actually I want you to meet somebody, the love of my life" Jungoook spoke "Kim Taehyung"


Jungkook sighed, sitting in the bathroom, he vomited again "W-What the hell is happening" jungkook spoke holding his sweaty head, his body shivering .
That's when he vomited again, and again, and again, his head now spinning.
He took a few deep breaths before wiping his mouth "I-I can't let this get in the way of something so important" He spoke, going to walk out of the bathroom, seeing Taehyung and his father talking, he smiled weakly and began to walk to them

But with each step he felt like passing out, and slowly the voices around him faded, the floor becoming close, being the last thing Jungkook saw before it went black.


"Hello Mr Jeon!" Taehyung spoke "Call me Daehyun" He spoke and Taehyung smiled "So your marrying my son now?" He asked and Taehyung gulped "Aish, he told you..." Taehyung spoke while scratching his neck "Yeah, don't worry, from what he's told me, your a really good guy, whose saved him more times than one, and you've made him have euphoria again, and that means a lot to me......Thank you for saving my son, and thank your for making him happy again" Daehyun spoke

"No problem i-" taehyung began but a hard thud filled his ears, causing the two males to Turn their heads "J-Jungkook!" Taehyung spoke loudly immediately running to the younger along with his father "Hey? Jungkook? Can you hear me?" Taehyung asked feeling the youngers head "Shit! Somebody get me a cold towel!" Taehyung spoke watching as a worker ran into the kitchen and came out with the towel.

Taehyung placed the youngers head on his lap and put the towel on his forehead
"Dammit Jungkook" Taehyung spoke whole fiddling with the youngers hair "Taehyung? Is he okay?" Daehyun asked "He has a high fever, I think I'm going to take him home, I don't really want to send him to a hospital, I want to give him my best care" he spoke picking up the younger bridal style

That's all Daehyun felt, he was proud of his son, and his sons life

He's never been so proud in his life.


Jungkook groaned when he woke up, his head pounding, causing him to groan "Jungkook! Thank god your awake!" Taehyung spoke and Jungkook sighed "What...I passed out didn't I" jungkook asked and Taehyung nodded "Yeah baby, I was so worried" taehyung spoke "Did you feel sick beforehand?" The elder asked "Yeah, I threw up a lot, but I didn't want you to worry, I wanted to finally have a dad" Jungkook spoke

"Well your dream came true jungkook, he's really proud of you, I could tell" Taehyung spoke and Jungkook smiled "I love you taehyung"

"I love you too kook" Taehyung replied

"So about our wedding? Have any dates in mind?" Taehyung asked "I do...".

"How about tomorrow?"


"Aish Shutup You dork! I was kidding"


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