Chapter 10

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The Truth


"Jungkook...." Taehyung spoke as he held Jungkooks frail, cold, pale hand.

"I am so sorry..." taehyung spoke, his eyes swollen and red, he hadn't slept in days, and his nights were spent crying.

"I'm horrible, such a horrible human being, I hurt you so much, so...So much, I should have listened to you" Taehung spoke "I love you so much...So much" Taehyung spoke "Your such a good person, a kind human being...Hurt by that monster." taehyung spoke "Your my everything, my life, my will to stay alive....R-Remember that day I was stressed out and I snapped at you....I have never felt so afraid, so broken in my entire life, then I did it again, I hurt you.....I wish I could tell you how much I love you, how much I wish to hold you again, I know you might hear me, I hope you can" Taehyung spoke

"I-I love you too" a voice spoke and Taehyung Jumped falling out of his seat and to the ground.

Suddenly laughter filled the air, It was Jungkooks laughter "J-Jungkook!" Taehyung spoke, standing up quickly and hugging the younger softly, his casted body making him nervous to break him more than he already was "Taehyung, I don't want you to blame yourself okay...." jungkook spoke and Taehyung nodded, sitting down, suddenly beginning to cry "O-Oh no baby....Don't cry...Please don't cry" Jungkook spoke using his not broken arm to wipe his tears "I love you, and I'll never blame you, we love each other right, we are soulmates remember, we always come back together" Jungkook spoke and Taehyung nodded "I-I love you Jungkook....." Taehyung spoke

"C-Can you tell me what you didn't that day we fought....If it's to much..." Taehyung began and Jungkook stopped him "I was thirteen, Wan, he had a gang......They knew I was homeless, and everyone knows how society treats the homeless.....But one day, they decided they attack me....A few times they did, beating me up, but there was one day, one bad, horrible day....when they decided they'd try to really kill me, they punched me, beat me, for hours Taehyung, for hours they said horrible things to me, and then they picked me up, in my beaten state, and threw me into a road....I got hit by a car that day, and almost died....It wasn't like I had the money to go to a hospital, but I was far to injured to not, so somebody took me, Taehyung....Wans brother......Min Yoongi saved me....I haven't seen him since that day" Jungkook spoke shaking slightly "I can't ever get over that day.....It was painful, so painful"

"The worst part was, was that I had found a cat, she was the only comfort I had, they killed her right in front of me, threw her dead body at me....I-I hate them" Jungkook spoke feeling tears stream down his face, but soon a kiss, a kiss full of love and warmth.
Taehyung leaned his forehead on the youngers "I love you, and I won't let them hurt you again, Wan will be going to Jail....He has a death sentence, he's going to be killed" Taehyung spoke and Jungkook gulped "It's for the best Jungkook, so he can't hurt anyone again"


That was sad


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