Chapter 6

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Jungkook sighed as he walked with Taehyung down the streets of Korea, busy as always

"kook? Everything okay?" The elder asked "Yeah...Just thinking, I'm thinking of what I'd be like now, had you not saved me.....I wander if I'd even be alive" Jungkook spoke "It makes me great full that you stood up for me, and gave me the things I needed to survive, and more" jungkook spoke turning to Taehyung smiling "Jungkook...Have You ever heard of soulmates?" Taehyung asked "No" Jungkook spoke "My vocabulary is short when it comes to big words like that" Jungkook giggled "A soulmate is somebody that you were destined to be with, almost fate, the two people can't be apart, and meet each other in strange ways " Taehyung spoke

"Does that mean friendships can last lifetimes? Like in different lives" Jungkook  asked and Taehyung nodded "I think so" Taehyung spoke "Wow, that's...insanely cool" Jungkook spoke and Taehyung giggled "I think it's up to the world we're in now, but I feel as if I'm all our lifetimes, me and you meet Jungkook" taehyung spoke "You mean you think we're soulmates?" Jungkook asked nervously, his heart racing madly "I think so" The elder spoke with a bright boxy smile 

Jungkook couldn't Help his heart any longer, it was racing, it had been doing this so much lately and jungkook didn't know why, he felt like This around Taehyung.
He got this strange feeling, like he was a magnet to Taehyung.
He couldn't get over his looks, his face..His lips.

Jungkook would catch himself staring at the elder.

The days went by again, work, constantly.
It was like life was now always on this.
Jungkook knee Taehyung was off, but he didn't know why.
He could see, could sense the tenseness in him.

So the younger made food, something he wasn't used to, but pushed himself to lear'
And in the end he came out with a really good looking meal

He walked into the elders office, seeing that same face, the same tensity in him. "Tae! I made  you food!" Jungook spoke setting the meal down in front of the male.

That's when Taehyung glared "God Jungkook leave me alone" he snapped, shocking Jungkook completely, catching him off guard "W-What?" Jungkook asked shocked, his eyes wide "can't you see I'm working!? God, you've become clingy! I can't do a damn thing without you around now!" taehyung snapped and Jungkook gulped, holding back his sobs, his emotions.

He let out a shaken breath "O-Okay....I'll leave soulmate" Jungkook spoke before dashing out of the place.


The streets were always long, today, not having many peoples around.
The younger was completely and utterly heartbroken, he didn't understand what was wrong with the elder, he couldn't say the emotion the male was feeling, he was angry, so very angry.

Jungkook didn't want to cry, he wanted to be strong

That's when he saw that male...That figure, the man who ruined his life.

His father


Jungkook stood shocked, dead in his tracks, he stared at his father, who had become rusty, some gray hair.

But his face was the same, cold, sad, angry ".
That's when he came closer "Jungkook" he spoke "Damn, look at you, you must have weaseled  your ass up some rich guy" He spoke "Dad, no...The man you speak of, he helped me, I didn't do a thing" Jungkook spoke, truth to desperately  hold back his tears "You've gotten uglier over the years, your mother must be so sad to have such a worthless son" He snapped and Jungkook balled his fist "she should be disappointed in her lame ass husband-" jungkook began but he was slapped, his head turned to the side.

Memories, they flashed back, all at once, the evil words, the abuse, all circulated back to him.
The younger fell back, when he was pushed harshly to the ground "listen here you worthless disgrace, I don't want to see or hear of your worthless ass again!" He yelled before punching Jungkook harshly.

Jungkook couldn't hold back, he ran to a wall, slowly sliding down it, sobbing.
Shaking in fear as words and memories of what happened to him in those seven years of his life.
He covered his ears, hoping to make the evil words stop, but they just kept coming back, over and over.

That's when Jungkook heard his name be called, the voice echoing through the words of his father "Jungkook, it's me Taehyung.." The elder spoke "shhh...Calm down.." he whispered and Jungkook slowly uncovered his ears, looking at the blurred figure "I'm sorry..." jungkook spoke "for whatever I did to make you Mad...I can leave and.." Jungkook began but he was pulled into a tight hug "Shh....You didn't do anything, I was stressed, you know I didn't sleep much, eat much, and just worked a lot..." taehyung spoke "M-My...." jungkook sobbed "my father..." Jungkook spoke thought his breath, sobs escaping with it
" Tell me baby what...What happened?" Taehyung asked and Jungkook sighed softly "He was here, in front of me..:He said so many horrible things.....He said I weaseled into you, getting rich by you...He called me worthless...." Jungkook sobbed, hugging Taehyung tightly "He said my mom was disappointed in me....and he said I was ugly....." Jungoook sobbed "shhhh...Its okay" taehyung spoke While rubbing Jungkooks head "Shhh...Your mom is proud, I mean look at you, her handsome boy, growing up and doing bigger better  things" Taehyung spoke "That's every mother's dream" Taehyung spoke and Jungkook sighed "And let's be honest, your fathers an asshole with no life, while you have a life" Taehyung spoke breaking the hug

"thank You for the food soulmate..."  He spoke and Jungkook smiled "your welcome...Tae.." Jungkook spoke, the sunset slowly settling down behind them, the site of the green vines that fell up and down buildings, covered with pink and white flowers.

The wind blew across the two swiftly, and time for Jungkook stoped.
He stared into Taehyungs eyes, growing closer and closer to the elder, before he intertwined his lips with Taehyungs.

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