Chapter 4

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The days went by, and it was as if time flew now.
For Jungkook the days used to be slow, almost never ending, and now, they were the fast, as if from the moment he entered the Kim buildings doors that minutes went by before he left.

Jungkook sighed, signing the paperwork, cleaning a bit.
This was normal, atleast now it was.
Jungkook wasn't used to all the technology types of things but he got used to the idea of them being there.

Once he was done he gulped, a few guys walking in, then leaving, only one staying "You! Jungkook" the male spoke "Y-Yes?" Jungkook asked shyly, watching the male get his coffee "Your new here, and already went from homeless to here" he spoke and Jungkook went wide eyed "Your the male from before" Jungkook spoke "Is about time took noticed, you've been so puppy dog to Taehyung that I'm surprised you even have a job here" He spoke "Speaking of johs, you almost made me lose mine, Taehyung was livid at me for what i said, but I don't regret it, no not at all" he spoke and Jungkook rolled his eyes.

The male smirked, pouring his boiling coffee on jungkooks hand, hoping to see a reaction, but he got nothing but a glare

"Really?" Jungkook Asked "h-how did you-" he began "for a bully you really are quite stupid...oh wait I knew that don't think after the countless days I slept on the hot boiling concrete ground I was fine? No I got burned, a lot...So small things like this, they don't effect me anymore"

"You see, making fun of the homeless doesn't make you look cool, it just makes you ten Times more of a dumbass" jungkook spoke

"and if you beat me up, your the guy who beat up a homeless person, and if I beat you up, your the guy who got your ass kicked by a homeless person, so next time you wanna act tough, think about that, now kindly fuck off" Jungkook spoke before smashing his shoulder against the males, letting out a sigh.

He hasn't acted that way since....

He shook his thoughts away, walking to Taehyungs office.
He smiled at the male who was hard at work.
He sat down next to the elder, their desks close.

That's when jungkook looked at his hand, his was bloody, swollen, blistering.
All the things Jungkook was used to, he touched it wincing slightly.

That's when his rolling chair was turned around swiftly, and the next thing Jungkook knew was his hand was getting examined by Taehyung "What happened?" He asked in a serious tone, that sent shivers down Jungkooks spine "I was cleaning around the coffee machine, trying to make it better looking, then I wanted coffeee....." jungkook spoke "Your a really bad liar" Taehyung spoke chuckling "Was it Kwan?" Taehyung asked "The guy from before?" He asked and jungkook nodded sadly "I did smart mouth him a lot, like crazy" Jungkook spoke "really? What did you say?" The elder asked "I called him a dumbass bully...That's only a little bit, but you have cameras to look at the juicy stuff" jungkook spoke

He soon saw Taehyung stand up, grabbing a white box with an X on it, a first aid kit.

Once the elder was done, jungkook hand was wrapped up nicely "Jungkook, since it's the weekend, I wanted to take you to the movies!" Taehyung spoke "The movies?" Jungkook asked

"Like a theater?" Jungkook asked "Don't tell me you've never seen a move before" taehyung asked and Jungkook shook his head "never" the younger replied and Taehyung smirked "Fine then, tomorrow Jeon Jungkook we're going to your first movie!"

"We'll call it a date"

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