Chapter 11

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The Day


It had been a few months since the day Jungkook was last in the hospital hospital, and his bones healed nicely.
Life was good now, Taehyung and Jungkook are so happy together.

They laughed, they talked, they did everything together, and now they talked through their problems.
They took so many dates, going out, enjoying the love they shared.

Today though Taehung had planned a huge date, he seemed so excited about it.
He was so smiley, so happy.
Jungkook loved it, he loved to see the one he loved most, honestly happy.
The younger sighed at his suit, it was nice, nicer than most of his suits.
His hair was done nicely, making him feel strange, he was happy to another day with Taehyung.

Soon he arrived, In a limo, Jungkook was overly excited to be in one since each day that went by in his homeless days, he dreamed to have one, experience the feeling of one.

After a bit of a walk Jungkook found himself seeing fairy lights "Taehyung?" Jungkook asked confused as he walked, alone.
He hadn't seen Taehyung the whole time.
He was a bit sad to not to see the elder, since it was their huge date.
He continued to walk and walk until he was in the middle and of a beach, he smiled letting the sound of the waves hit his ears.

He wasn't afraid of the ocean because of the incident, in fact it made him braver.
His mind went back to that day, Taehyungs face, the worry and fear that was shown on him.
Jungkook seeing his own blood on the elder.
He leaned down, on his feet, letting a tear run down his face.
He felt so bad for Taehyung, how he was in the worst pain ever, the idea of him blaming himself....It Hurt Jungkook, he loved Taehyung way to much to see him that way.

He soon stood up, turning around, about to walk.

But instead he saw Taehyung, in one knee, with a red box and a ring in his hand "Jeon Jungkook....My life, my everything.....I love you so much, so much...You've made me so happy, so alive, and when you were hurting, I was too....I want to be with my soulmate...forever" Taehyung spoke "Jungkook will you marry me?" Taehyung asked and Jungkooks eyes widened, his tears flowing "O-Oh my god...."


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