Chapter 14

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Wedding Bells


Today was the day, the day Jungkook and Taehyung had been waiting for, for months.

The day they'd tie themselves together forever.

Jungkook was dressed in a white suit, a purple tie on it.
His hair was parted at his forehead, slightly curly.
Taehyung on the other hand had a red suit, with a white tie, something that brought out his eyes.

Peoples gathered around talking and chatting, Jungkooks father talking to Taehyungs parents, holding a glass of 'wine' which was just red juice.
He was proud, it hadn't left since the day he talked to jungkook again, and when the younger passed out, and Taehyung jumped up and helped him, it made him proud to see that his son had somebody like that, somebody good.

He had dreamed the day his son would get married while his late wife was pregnant.
He wanted to be there for his family, give them love, he didn't do that then but he's doing it now.

The place was beautiful, flowers of golds and whites everywhere, white chairs with white ribbon on the sides, scattered in a strait line on the beautiful flat field.
Then the gazebo which was white, vines and flowed going through the curled holes that made it all so perfect

Then there was the amazing weather, it wasn't deadly hot, but warm, a brisk breeze blowing back and forth making Cherry blossom trees flourishing down their blossoms across the wind just so perfectly.

It was time for the wedding to begin.
Jungkook stood nervous, he walked down, seeing his father, soon putting his arm on his.
They slowly walked down the isle, which also had flowers, cherry blossoms there too.
Jungkook found himself closer and closer to Taehyung until he was right in from of him.

Taehyung was just so perfect to Jungkook, his entire being making him glow "Wr are gathered here today, to tie two amazing souls together....Kim Taehyung, And Jeon Jungkook" The male spoke "Taehyung do you take Jeon Jungkook to be your lawfully wedded husband, in sickness and in health?" He asked "I do..." Taehyung spoke with a bright smile

"And you Jungkook, do you take taehyung to be your lawfully wedded husband, in sickness and in health?" He asked twords Jungkook "I do" Jungkook spoke with a hunny smile "It is now that I grant the rings of these two human beings, to vow them together" he spoke, grabbing the rings from the pillow handing one to Taehyung and the other to Jungoook

Soon the two males put the rings on, and now they'd say their vows "Jungkook, I was alone, I didn't know what my life would be, my future, I figured I'd be alone my whole life, with nobody to tell my problems to, and then, that day when
I saw that jerk being mean to you, I knew at that moment I couldn't let a soul hurt you" Taehyung began "I vow to protect you for he rest of my life, I vow to love you with all my heart, and I vow to always be there when you need me"

"Taehung..... i was alone, constantly wandering where I'd sleep some nights, what I'd eat, the loneliness I felt in the days of my homelessness, I thought nobody would ever love me, and I'd be alone, alone forever, but you've shown me countless times, even through the arguments, you live you, and will always come to me when you need it. I vow to love you for the rest of my life, I vow to protect you with my entire being, I vow to cook tasty meals for you, I vow to hug and kiss you every day and every  night  to show you how much I love you"

"You May now kiss the man~•

And they did, they kissed.

They were finally happy.

And now they'd be happy forever~

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