Chapter 3

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New Life


Jungkook slept great that night.
His stomach full, his body feeling cleaned, new clothes.
He felt human, and for the first time in a very long time, he felt loved.

The younger leaned up rubbing his eyes.
He stood up, staring at the room before him, the sun shining nicely through the window.

The snow was falling down slowly, jungkook glad he was able to be inside a warm house in these times.
He walked down the first few steps, feeling as if this something he had to get used to. Since he was a child never had stairs, even outside he was way to afraid to go near them.
The younger gulped, feeling his legs shiver "Hey kook...You okay" a voice asked and Jungkook smiled, instantly becoming a bit more comfortable "Y-Yeah! I..Ive never been down stairs before, and since somebody carried me up here..." Jungkook began "That would be me sleepy head, you' fell asleep on the couch" Taehyung giggled grabbing the youngers hand "here, I'll help you, one step at a time" he spoke and Jungkook nodded

After a few steps the younger was fine, he ended up going down all the steps without a care in the world.
That's when he smelled food, delicious food.
He walked towards the smell, seeing a big breakfast being made...That's when Jungkook saw people.

Nervously he walked away, he was afraid of people, Taehyung being one of the only people he trusted immediately, he didn't know why he felt that way, why he felt so safe..but the elder made him feel that way, it was something about him.

"jungkook...? Where are you going?" Taehyungs asked the shaking younger "Hey...It's okay, just like the ladies at the salon, restaurant, they're nice, they won't hurt you" Taehyung spoke and Jungkook gulped nodding "I'm sorry...I've just had a lot of bad experiences..." Jungkook spoke closing his eyes, the memories of those days filling him up..."Hey...I'm here, I'll always protect you" be spoke and Jungkook nodded "T-Thank you Tae" Jungkook spoke and Taehyung smiled, walking him to the kitchen/dining room area

"hey guys! this is Jungkook, he's new here, and new to a lot of things, treat him well please" Taehyung spoke with a smile, and everyone...They smiled to, waving at the younger, Jungkook gasped Quietly "T-They're not going to judge me?" Jungkook whispered at Taehyung "Their are good people in this world Jungkook...You just need to open up your heart more"


Jungkooks first day of work, first day of doing things like this...people, all sorts of people, walking by, taking drinking coffee, on their phones, all new things for Jungkook that he didn't understand...

He was Taehyungs assistant, he just signed paperwork like crazy.
His hand hurt, he hadn't written in so long, and so much...his hand was red slightly, but he kept going, in fear somebody may get mad, judge him, or worse.

"Hey! Jungkook slow down, you need to rest your hand" a voice spoke "S-Sorry..." jungkook spoke "Don't worry, you'll get used to it, your a good worker already...." Taehyung spoke with a smile "I-I fit in?" Jungkok asked "HECK YEAH! I've never seen so many people so excited for a new worker before" taehyung spoke and Jungkook smiled

"Welcome to the Kim Company Jungkook!"

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