Chapter 2

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The Treat


Jungkook woke up slowly, a smile appearing on his a face, the warm coat he had received the day before making him the warmest he's been in years.

It was early morning, the sun barley pearling past the hills, coating Korea with a Omelet yellow, mixing with orange.
The contrasting colors of life and space mesmerizing Jungkook.

The younger walked for awhile, his long brown hair covering his brown orbs with plenty.
The sky was bright today, no snow falling from the puffy white clouds.

Eventually Jungkook found himself in front of the Kim building.
It was tall, fancy.
It had windows from top to bottom, in great numbers.
It was black and white "I-I'm working here?" Jungkook asked shocked "Yep!" A male spoke scaring Jungkook madly, the younger let out a yelp, jumping out of his skin in fear "oh shit! Sorry!" The male spoke "O-Oh taehyung!" Jungkook spoke nervously "it's okay! I'm just jumpy is all" jungkook spoke "So, about your treat....follow me" taehyung spoke and Jungkook nodded with a slight smile

Jungkook gulped when he realized he was at a Barber Shop "U-Umm..." Jungkook spoke "Hey...Its okay" Taehyung spoke "I-It's been years since...My hairs been cut" the younger spoke "How long?" The elder asked "eight years" jungkook spoke "Damn..." Taehyung spoke "I'm here to help you Jungkook...not hurt you" Taehyung spoke and Jungkook nodded "I'm sorry..." Jungkook spoke "Shh...don't be sorry, I'm sure it's hard being low on money, not eating sometimes..That's why I'm here" Taehyung spoke pulling the younger into the shop softly

"A good haircut for this one please, along with the best shower!" Taehyung spoke and all the girls inside nodded "Kook, I'll be back, I'm going to grab a few things" the elder spoke and Jungkook gulped "Its Okay..." Taehyung spoke and Jungkook nodded sadly "Okay"

Soon Taehyung came back with a nice suit, handing it to the ladies "Here..." He spoke and one smiled "Your really sweet for doing this for someone..." she spoke and Taehyung smiled, watching as she left to the bathroom area, he felt like a champ, a good person.
The warm feeling in his heart full.

He soon looked at all the makeup on the tables "damn, this stuff is intense, how do ladies apply this stuff so well-"

"Taehyung.....Do I look bad?" A voice spoke and when Taehyung turned around his jaw dropped...

Do I look bad?" A voice spoke and when Taehyung turned around his jaw dropped

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"Ha-Ga-Oaalpp—Ahem..." Taehyung spoke tying to speak but he was breathless, speechless, his mouth still open and eyes wide "It's bad isn't it..." Jungkook spoke "N-No! You look....You look amazing Jungkook" Taehyung spoke and Jungkook smiled a bright bunny smile

You look amazing Jungkook" Taehyung spoke and Jungkook smiled a bright bunny smile

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That smile made Taehyungs heart melt, he felt like a puddle of uwu.

He smiled at the younger "Next up, time to get you a proper meal" Taehyung spoke and Jungkook gulped "T-Tae...Isn't this a lot of money though...I'm being a burden-"

"Shh....I like you, plus it's time you Jeon Jungkook that you show those bullies, what they call 'nothing' what for....from nothing to something" Taehyung spoke and Jungkook smiled "Okay"


After ordering their food Taehyung and Jungkook got into their conversations "How did you become homeless if you don't mind me asking" taehyung asked "My father....He was a drunk, always drinking for a living, after my mom died, he became depressed, and his only remedy was to drink, he became abusive and at ten years old, I had to go..or he would have killed me" Jungkook spoke and Taehyung sighed patting the youngers head "Your so strong, I feel so glad I get to help you" Taehyung spoke and Jungkook sighed "Don't feel to bad, I've survived...For so long...." Jungkook spoke "The weirdest part?" Taehyung asked "Getting a proper meal..I've never gone to a fancy place, along with the fact I haven't eaten anything other than garbage for so long...I'm disgusting right?" Jungkook asked "No...You did what you had to, I find that astonishing, your inspiring Jungkook" Taehyung spoke and Jungkook smiled, his meal soon being served in front of him

And when he took that first bite..He felt at home...:


Taehyung smiled "so....this is my place" Taehyung spoke showing of the mansion like building "Woooow!" Jungkook spoke shocked "Yep! And guess who I'm letting live here?" The elder spoke "Wh-No way..." Jungkook asked "Stay here with me..." he spoke "I have a lot of bedrooms and it's cold Jungkook" taehyung spoke and Jungkook gulped back his tears

But they fell, his happiness, he had a place to sleep, a bed...He got a meal, clothes.
He just let out his cries "Ohh! No don't cry!" Taehyung spoke soon feeling Jungkook hug him, his head buried in his neck "thank you so much...Thank you..". Jungkook spoke and Taehyungs smiled

"welcome home Jungkook.....

Welcome home"

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