Chapter 12

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The sky was bright, the sun perfectly shinning down, making the clouds boom with existence.
Jungkook stared at his ring, his heart so full and happy.
His smile never faded after that, he was too happy to be sad.

Jungkook groaned as he leaned his body up, stretching a bit.
He jumped when his phone rang, immediately he picked it up "H-hello?" Jungkook asked shocked "Jungkook...." a voice asked "Hello? Who is this?" Jungkook asked "Jungkook it's me your father" He spoke and Jungkooks eyes widened "Dad?" Jungkook asked "I-I need to meet you....we need to talk" he spoke and Jungkook sighed "Why?" Jungkook asked coldly "Jungkook, please" His father pleaded "Fine" Jungkook spoke "Where?" Jungkook asked "The Seoul Dog Cafe" he replied "Okay" Jungkook spoke before hanging up.

Jungkook sighed softly, putting his hands over his eyes, he wanted to cry, his father, wanting to meet up with him after all these years, and after all he's done.
Jungkook was unsure, he had been more skeptical on what he did since the day he was attacked, he was braver yes. But the pain of that day won't ever fade

And the days of abuse, the days of hunger, him being homeless, all of it led back to his father, and an apology, won't fix what he did.

He soon felt arms wrap around him softly "Jungkook...You okay?" Taehyung asked and Jungkook sighed, turning to Taehyung and wrapping his arms around the elder as well "My father wants to meet" Jungkook began "I agreed....But what if he attacks me Taehyung, I can't see you in that pain again" Jungkook spoke and Taehyung smiled "Your an idiot kook, you almost died that day and your worried about me" taehyung spoke playing with the youngers hair "When do you have to go?" He asked "Soon...I guess....I don't even know how he got my number" Jungkook spoke "I don't know, but don't you think that maybe this is his way of starting over?" Taehyung asked "It could be, but after what he did...The abuse, I don't know if I can just forget that" Jungkook spoke "I get it, but you need to think of what you'll do on both sides.....He attacks you again, you don't forgive him, and I make sure he's going to jail for a very long time!" Taehyung spoke with a giggle "And if he asks for forgiveness?" Taehyung asks

"If he asks for forgiveness.... are you willing to move passed what happened in your past?"

Jungkook fiddled with his hands as he waited for his father, feeling more nervous as each second passed.
The pit in his stomach grew and grew, he felt sick.
The younger immediately stood up when his nausea got the best of him.
He ran to the bathroom and instantly vomited.

"I-I can't do this....I-I thought I was ready...I-I can't..." he spoke as he vomited again.
Once he was done he wiped his face with toilet paper.
Jungkooks body was drained now, he was so tired, nervous.
He was afraid to meet the man that ruined his life, but he also had to learn the hard way....

That even the worst of people deserve forgiveness.

Jungkook sat at the table, his body still tired and weak from before.
That's when a figure appeared, it was him.
He looked..nicer than normal. He had a nice outfit on, he looked better.
He wasn't drunk and that was a major relief for Jungkook

"Hello...Dad" Jungkook spoke standing up.
That's when the unexpected happened.
His father got down to the floor, Bowing to him.
" son...I am so sorry" He spoke, his voice shaking, he was definitely crying "I'm so sorry for what I've done, and I know you won't forgive me, I-I know that it's asking for a lot......B-But. Seeing you in a better light, a better way" he spoke "Knowing you came here....It's enough for me" He spoke looking up to see Jungkooks tears flowing as well.

"I'll leave if you want me to, im sure you don't want to see me" he spoke standing up about to leave but....

He was hugged, Jungkook hugged him.

"I forgive you..."

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