Chapter 8

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The next few months went by quickly, as if days had been by.
Jungkook and Taehyung are we happy as can be in their relationship, and they experienced so much together.

The two decided they'd have their alone time, the time they'd get to be independent for awhile.

So Jungkook took a walk, a nice long walk.
He felt a sense of piece in the bitter world he was in, with all the bad things going on in different parts of the world, Jungkook felt piece.
He sat down on the ground where  he used to basically live, reminiscing on the days of such fear, such sadness and exhaustion.
The days when that group, when they attacked him.
That day, was quite literally the worst day of a jungkooks life.

And he knew, he had to tell Taehyung about them, what they did.


After being alone for those days, Jungkook realized just how lonely it really was to be alone.
And since he had a taehyung for so long now, he wanders how he was mentally able to stay alone for so long, the pain of being alone in a world full of people and what they'd do, what they'd say.

For then they felt like they were surviving, but to Jungkook, he told himself, 'atleast they have money'
He'd then sigh, saying that maybe people have it worse

If only he knew he was the victim not them.

Jungkook knew that if he saw those guys again, he'd have a panic attack, the PTSD from that day, shaking him.
He leaned on the bench, letting a single tear trickle down his face.
He shook his head a bit playing with his hands, but his tears just wouldn't stop flowing.

The younger soon stood up about to walk back to his and Taehyungs house, when a voice snapped his thoughts

"Well, well , Well, what do we have here" A male spoke, Jungkook slowly turned around, his eyes immediately filling with tears "Damn, did the poor weak Jungkook finally get money? Or did you just steel some" He spoke "Shut the hell up Wan, I don't want to deal with you" Jungkook spoke "Ah, and we have attitude I see" He spoke "fuck you" jungkook replied "Do you not remember what I did to you that day, might I add those days, should have killed you, but somehow your poor ass survived" Wan spoke "That's the thing" jungkook spoke

A smirk, an evil smirk "You know what happens to the poor, they get somewhere....And the bullies whom tear the good down, They go to fucking hell" Jungkook spoke before punching Wan in the stomach "That's one punch of many you deserve for what you did to me" Jungkook snapped "Now get out of my life, and never get back in it" Jungkook spoke

"you'll pay for what you've done!" Wan yelled

"Yeah? I'm sure I will"


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