Kotlc + Wicked

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I got this really funny idea. It was inspired by the video above. Now watch as I change Wicked/Hamilton into Wicked/Kotlc. Da da da da! *blows fake trumpet* Oh and everything in bold is just me doing the music. I'm weird like that.

Keefe: *reads script* Um no. I'm not saying that.

Peggy: Fine we'll skip your line. Tam?

Tam: *on other side of the room* My dear mother and father. *sarcastically*

Tam/Keefe: There's been some confusion on the rooming here in the Black Swan!

Tam: But of course I'll care for Linh.

Keefe: But of course, I'll riiiiiiiiiiiiise above it!

Tam/Keefe: For I know that's how you'd want me to respond. *they glare at each other* Yes. There's been some confusion for you see my roommate is...

Keefe: Unusually and exceedingly peculiar and altogether quite impossible to describe!

Tam: Blonde.

Dun Du Dun, DING! Dun Dun. Ding Ding! Ba da!

Keefe: What is this feeling so sudden and new?

Ba da

Tam: I felt the moment, I laid eyes on you.

Ba da

Keefe: My pulse is rushing.

Ba da

Tam: My head is reeling.

Ba da

Keefe: My face is flushing.

Keefe/Tam: What is this feeling?! Fervent as a flame. Does it have a name? YeeeeeeEEEEEEEs! Loathing! Unadulterated loathing.

Keefe: For your face.

Tam: Your voice. *mimics Keefe's voice* (Guys can you just imagine Keefe with a Galinda voice? Yes I said GAlinda.)

Keefe: Your clothing.

Keefe/Tam: Let's just say. Da da da da I loathe it all! Ding ding ding ding Every little trait however small! Makes my very flesh begin to crawl! With simple utter loathing! There's a strange exhilaration. In such total detestation! It's so pure so strong!! Though I do admit, it came on fast. Still I do believe that it can last! And I will be loathing, loathing you my whole! Life! Long!

Keeper Crew (minus Keefe/Tam and Linh, she supports Tam): Dear Keefe Sencen you are just too good! How do you stand it? I don't think I could! He's a terror, he's a tartar! We don't mean to show a bias, but Keefe you are a martyr!  

Keefe: Well, these things are sent to tryyyyyyy us!

Keeper Crew: Poor Keefe Sencen forced to reside! With someone so disgusticified! We just want to tell you! We're all on your siiiiiiiiide! We share your loathing!

Keefe/Tam: What is this feeling so sudden and new?

Keeper Crew: Unadulterated loathing! 

Keefe/Tam: I felt the moment I laid eyes on you!

Keeper Crew: For your face, your voice, your clothing! 

Keefe/Tam: My pulse is rushing!

Keeper Crew: Let's just say!

Keefe/Tam: My head is reeling!

Keeper Crew: We loathe it all!

Keefe/Tam: Oh, what is this feeling?! 

Keeper Crew: Every trait however small!

Keefe/Tam: Does it have a name?

Keeper: Makes my very flesh begin to crawl!

Keefe/Tam: Yes!

Everyone: AhhhhhHHHHH!

Keefe/Tam: LOATHING!


Keefe/Tam: There's a strange exhilaration!


Keefe/Tam: In such total detestation!


Keefe/Tam: It's so pure, so strong!

Keeper: Sooooo strong!

Keefe/Tam: Though I do admit, it came on fast! Still I do believe that it can last! And I will be loathing

Keeper: Loathing

Keefe/Tam: For forever, loathing

Keeper: Loathing

Keefe/Tam: Truly deeply, loathing you! 

Keeper: Loathing you!

Keefe/Tam: My whole life loooooooooooooong!

Keeper: Loathing! Unadulterated loathing!

Dun dun dun da dun

Tam: *shadow whispering* BOO!

Keefe: *high-pitched* AH!


Full song: (In case you wanted it idk) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dk3H2yvsH-U

I'm so close to doing all the musicals on the cover! I'll do In the Heights soon... probably later today, I'm not doing anything. See you then I guess!

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