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I don't know any Waitress songs. However, I found a GLMV that used a Waitress song and I looked it up so yeah this is what y'all are getting.

Peggy: *Humming It's the Hard Knock Life as she enters the theatre*

Edmond: Oh, you're here.

Peggy: Hey! You're not supposed to be here!

Edmond: Why not?

Peggy: Because I'm doing a song today!

Edmond: So why can't I be here?

Peggy: ... Why are you here?

Edmond: Because you're doing a song today.

Peggy: You... you actually want to see it?

Edmond: *shrugs* Why not?

Peggy: I... I mean I guess you can.

Edmond: Cool. Because I wasn't going to leave even if you said I couldn't.

Keefe: *kicks open door* I have arrived! You may now- oh no he's back.

Sophie: Are you ever going to finish that sentence?

Keefe: What do you mean?

Sophie: You start to say it every time you come in and then you stop.

Keefe: Well, maybe if there's not something surprising when I come in.

Peggy: Hi guys. Where's everyone else?

Keefe: Everyone else?

Peggy: Did I forget to invite them?

Edmond: Seriously?

Peggy: Sorry, everything's been crazy these week.

Edmond: That's an understatement

Peggy: Shut up Edmond. I'm going to call them.

*Two imparter hails later*

Peggy: Okay they're on their way.

Keefe: How did you forget to invite them?

Peggy: I messed up! I get it.

Biana: *opens the door slowly* Hey. Sorry we're late, you didn't invite us.

Peggy: I'm aware.

Linh: We haven't done one of these in forever!

Peggy: I know. Let's get started.

***Take 1***

Sophie: I stick with real things. Usually facts and figures. When information's in it's place I minimize the guessing game. Guess what?

Biana/Linh: What?

Sophie: I don't like guessing games or when I feel things, before I know the feelings. How am I supposed to operate when I'm just... tossed around by fate?

Edmond: Like you always are?

Peggy: *glares at him*

Sophie: Like, on an unexpected date!

Keefe: With who?

Peggy: *coughs*

Sophie: With a stranger who might talk too fast. Or ask me questions about myself before I've decided that. He could ask me questions about myself. He might sit too close. Or call the waiter by his first name. Or eat Oreos-

Keefe: Ooh, what're Oreos?

Peggy: They're-

Sophie: No! Don't give him anymore ideas. I'm not getting him anymore Forbidden City cookies.

Keefe: Forbidden City cookies?

Sophie: Shoot.

***Take 2***

Sophie: But eat the cookie before the cream? But what scares me the most, what scares me the most... Is, what if when he sees me, what if he doesn't like it? What if he runs the other way and I can't hide from it? What happens then? If when he knows me, he's only disappointed? What if I give myself away, to only get it given back? I couldn't live with that.

Keefe: *wondering if he should make a joke or not*

Sophie: So I'm just fine. Inside my shell shaped mind. This way I get the best view. So that when he sees me, I want him too.

Biana: Sophie, don't you think you're being a little, I mean, maybe just a tad-

Sophie: I'M NOT DEFENSIVE! I'm simply being cautious.

Edmond: *sarcastically* Really?

Sophie: I can't risk reckless dating due to my miscalculating while a certain suitor stands in line. I've seen in movies,

Keefe: What're-

Sophie: Most made for television.

Keefe: What's-

Sophie: You cannot be too careful when it comes to sharing your life. I could end up a miserable wife!

Linh: That's a little-

Sophie: Sorry girls. But he could be criminal!

Biana: Well-

Sophie: Some sort of psychopath who escaped from an institution somewhere where they don't have girls.

Linh: That's a bit extreme

Sophie: He could've masterminded some way to find me... He could be colorblind!

Biana: That's worse?

Sophie: How untrustworthy is that? He could be less than kind.

Peggy: *cough* Like Fitz *cough*

Sophie: Or even worse he could be very nice. Have lovely eyes. And make me laugh. Come out of hiding.

Keefe: *gets excited but then realizes she's probably talking about Fitz*

Sophie: What do I do with that? Oh gosh, what if when he sees me, I like him and he knows it? What if he opens up a door and I can't close it? What happens then? If when he holds me, my heart is set in motion. I'm not prepared for that, I'm scared of breaking open. But still I can't help from hoping! To find, someone to talk to. Who likes the way I am.

Peggy: So the opposite of Fitz then.

Edmond: *through gritted teeth* Shut up you're gonna upset her

Sophie: Someone who when he sees me, wants to again!

Keefe: Is that it?

Peggy: Yep.

Keefe: That was short.

Peggy: But it was nice.

Keefe: *shrugs* Yeah I guess.

Biana: Didn't you like it?

Keefe: *shrugs* I don't really have an opinion.

Edmond: He liked it. Totally blushing the whole time.

Keefe: I was not!

Edmond: Mm hm. Sure.

Keefe: Why is he like this? He wasn't like this last time.

Peggy: He's been hanging out with different people. They rub off on him.

Sophie: So we're done here then?

Peggy: Yeah you guys can go. Have fun defeating the Neverseen and all that.

Yeah that's it. 

Here's the GLMV if you guys are interested:

Peggy out.

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