Kotlc + Dear Evan Hansen

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First of all I would like to write a disclaimer that I literally put 0 (ZERO) effort into this chapter. Recommended by geekgilr who I will dedicate this chapter to when I'm not feeling incredibly lazy.

Peggy: Alright. Tam, Fitz, Keefe. Today you're singing a recommended song that I'm skeptical about. I'm assuming this is going to turn into a huge mess but whatever.

Keefe: Sounds fun.

Fitz: I think I'm just gonna... *begins to leave*

Peggy: *lunar controls him back* I think not.

Peggy: *gives Fitz a laptop*

Fitz: What is this

Peggy: Just... just type on it okay?

Fitz: I don't like the sound of that...

***Take 1***

Tam: Dear Keefe Sencen, We've been way too out of touch.

Peggy: *already dying for multiple reasons*

Tam: Things have been crazy. And it sucks that we don't talk that much. 

Keefe: No it doesn't.

Tam: But I should tell you that I think of you each night.

Keefe: What? *looks at Fitz*

Fitz: *types on computer randomly while laughing*

Tam: I rub my-

Peggy: *yeets onto the stage and slams the laptop closed* Sorry but NAH *sits back down as if nothing happened*

Fitz: *blinks, oblivious to what Peggy just prevented*

Keefe: W H Y  W O U L D  Y O U  W R I T E  T H A T

Fitz: What did I even write?!

Peggy: *clears throat and shows Fitz original script*

Fitz: OH

Peggy: Yeah. So keep doing it my way please.

***Take 2***

Fitz: *laughs* I'm just trying to tell the truth

Tam: NO

Keefe: This needs to be perfect! These emails... what are emails?

Peggy: Something humans use to talk to each other.

***Take 3***

Keefe: These emails have to prove that we were actually friends

Tam: Since when?!

Peggy: HA

Keefe: Just... I'll do it. *takes laptop*

Tam: I gotta tell ya, life without ya has been hard.

Fitz: Hard?

Tam: Has been bad.

Fitz: Bad?

Tam: Has been ROUGH

Fitz: Am I supposed to say something or...?


Tam: And I miss talking about life and... other stuff.

Fitz: Very specific.

Keefe: Shut up.

Tam: Does that human thing control what I say or something?

Peggy: Kinda.

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