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Linh: *walks into theatre* Hey Peggy.

Peggy: *looks up from book* Oh hey Linh. Is... Where's Wylie?

Linh: *excitement* He's coming?!

Peggy: *smiles and closes book* Yeah.

Wylie: *enters* Is this the right place? I got this scroll that said to come to "Thorne Theatre" and I said it to the Leapmaster but nothing happened. Then I found this blue crystal with the scroll and I ended up here but I think this might be wrong because the sign said "Edmond's-

Peggy: *stands* YES WYLIE! you're in the right place.

Wylie: Who're you? *Looks around* Linh?

Linh: *giggles* Wylie, I think it's better to just stop asking questions. I'll try to explain this to you later.

Wylie: But-

Peggy: *silences him by throwing a script at his face* Just SING! This is already getting too long for the beginning!

Linh: Beginning of wha-

Peggy: *yeets a script at her face* Nothing! Let's begin!

***Take 1***

Linh: Can I just... Say something crazy?

Wylie: I love crazy! This is weird.

Peggy: *sigh* This is gonna be a loooong day.

***Take 2***

Linh: All my life has been a series of doors in my face. And then suddenly I bump into you!

Wylie: I was thinkin the same thing! Cuz like, I've been searchin my whole life to find my own place. And maybe it's the party talkin, or the chocolate fondue. WhAt Is ThIs?!


***Take 3***

Linh: But with you!

Wylie: But with you I've found my place!

Linh: *blushes* I see your face.

Both: And it's nothin like I've ever known before! Love is an open dooooooooooor!

Linh: Love is an open dooooooooooor!

Wylie: Dooooooooooor!

Both: Love is an open door!

Linh: With you!

Wylie: With you!

Linh: With you!

Wylie: With you! What in the world is this?!

Linh: *hurt*

Peggy: *glares*

Wylie: What did I do?!

***Take 4***

Both: Love is an open door.

Wylie: I mean it's crazy!

Linh: What?

Wylie: We finish each other's-

Linh: Sandwiches! *laughs*

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