Kotlc + Avenue Q

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Recommended by: -pastelpuff

Peggy: Kam!

Keefe: What?

Tam: What?

Peggy: That's what we're doing today!

Keefe: Is that a song name?

Tam, who knows exactly what that is: Why?

Peggy: Because I have this huge list of things to do and Kam is on the list!

Keefe: Is no one going to tell me what that is?

Peggy: I'm sure you'll figure it out. Especially considering that we've already done it like twice.

Keefe: We have?

Tam: Wow he's really an idiot.

Peggy: All the best people are. *Tosses Tam a book*

***Take 1***

Tam: An afternoon alone with my favorite book. Broadway musicals of the 1940s.

Keefe: Sounds like a boring book.

Peggy: Sounds like I'm too lazy to change it.

***Take 2***

Tam: No roommate to bother me. How could it get any better than this?

Keefe: *yeeting the curtain aside* Oh, hi Bangs Boy!

Tam: *sighs* Hi Keefe.

Keefe: Hey Tam, you'll never guess what happened to me at Foxfire this morning. This guy was smiling at me and talking to me...

Tam: *sarcastically* Mm, that's very interesting.

Keefe: Mhm! He was being real friendly! And, heh, I think he was coming on to me, heh. I think he might've thought I was gay.

Tam: *blinks* You have got to be kidding me.

Keefe: Kidding what?

Tam: You still don't know what this is?

Keefe: No?

Tam: There has to be someone else that I can do this with who isn't a complete moron.

Peggy: Nope!

Tam: You're just going to let me suffer then?

Peggy: *nods*

Tam: *sighs* Fine.

***Take 3***

Tam: So why're you telling me this? Hm? Why should I care? I don't care. What'd you have for lunch today?

Keefe: Well you don't have to get all defensive about it-


Keefe: *blink blonk the boi's in shock*

Tam: *sighs* Why do I care about some gay guy you met, okay? I am trying to read.

Keefe: Boring.

Tam: Stop interrupting I want to get this over with!

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