"Welcome Home" (•)

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Five has been gone for 16 years now and you still can't help but miss him.

You had to let him go & accept the fact that he was never coming back.

" Y/N! You need to come see this" said Klaus eager yet collected which was rare. You could tell that this was serious.

You follow Klaus down the stairs thinking to yourself
" What am i doing? What could be this important. what could it be?"
Your breath is heavy in fear.

As you and Klaus approach the bottom of the stairs you hear a mysterious yet oddly familiar voice.

"Where is she? Is she even still here?"

You knew that voice.

You looked at Klaus suggesting who was in the room and he nods at you confirming what you already knew

It was Five

Your heart starts to race and suddenly it's like you forgot how to breathe. The next thing you know all you hear in the distance is a familiar, Whoosh.

Five appeared right in front of you with no warning. A single tear started to run down your cheek but you didn't say a word to him.

He wiped the tear off your cheek and embraced you into his strong yet small teenage arms. He looked exactly the same as the day he left. He whispered in your ear, "I've missed you so much Y/N."

Before you get the chance to say anything back he continues,

"You have no clue the things i am going to do to you tonight..."

hi omg this is my first time in forever writing so i'm sorry that is this so terrible and short. there will be a part 2 for this so stay tuned for that 🤝

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