I Need You (♥)

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warning: feels :(

Its been weeks since you had last seen or talked to Five. He was always tucked away in his room doing god knows what. He says its apocalypse stuff but the apocalypse date had passed but he said that it could still happen.

Every time you try and take him a snack or a bottle of water or even just go up to check on him he demands that you go away. It hurt. He had distanced himself from even you which hurt like hell, it made you start to wonder if you did anything to drive him away like this.

Today was no different, you walked to the academy a bit later that usual, but it wouldn't matter because Five wouldn't notice anyway. It was about 8pm when you reached the door. You knocked and waited at the door for a moment. Klaus came to the door and opened it with a cheerful smile, which was always nice to see.

"Oh, y/n! I was wondering when you were gonna show. No, he hasn't come out of his room today."

You gave a sad smile and walked in then sat on the couch in the living room. It made you sad that Five was now just a name in your head. You had almost forgotten what he looked like, you remembered his basic features but it was hard to put them all together to see his face in your head. The only words you knew him for saying anymore were "Go away" or "i'm busy". You missed him.

You and Klaus spend the rest of the night talking but it got late & Klaus eventually dosed off before you. You decided to go get a small snack before going to sleep even though it was around 2am.

You walk down to the kitchen and grab white bread, peanut butter, and marshmallows. Five had gotten you hooked on peanut butter and marshmallows sandwiches and they reminded you of him so it made you feel better whenever you ate them.

You made 2 just incase Five wanted one, which you always did whenever you ate when you were over there. You sat at the table eating your sandwich when you see a small flicker of blue appear in the hall leading to the kitchen. You held your breath trying to stay as quiet as possible so you wouldn't drive Five away.

Five walked in the kitchen with a weak posture. His eyes were dark and red and he looked so pale and thin. He saw you sitting in one of the chairs at the table and his eyes widened.

"y-y/n? what are you doing here so late?"

"i couldn't sleep, i haven't been able to sleep in weeks actually..."

Five's head lowered. He was saddened by the words you had just said because he knew it was because of him. He looked up and noticed the other sandwich next you.

"May I?" he asks pointing to the sandwich.

"Of course, it was for you anyway" you say as you twiddle with your fingers.

He walks over and takes a seat next to you and starts to eat. He eats the sandwich fast like it was the only thing he had eaten in weeks, which it probably was.

"Five?" you say still looking down at your lap knowing that looking at him would make you cry.


"What's going on with you? I haven't seen you in weeks Five. I have been worried sick about you. Did I do something to drive you away?" Your voice cracks as you talk trying to hold back your tears.

"What? y/n you didn't do anything wrong. " Five says as he looks at you surprised.

"Then why won't you talk to me?" You look up at him with tears welted in your eyes.

"Y/n... i think i'm in love with you. i think i always have been. and it scares the hell out of me. i know pushing you away wasn't the smartest thing to do but i only know how to isolate myself to deal with my problems. but y/n i need you" Five said while looking you dead in the eyes. You could see the tears start to form in his eyes as he spoke. You just wanted to give him a hug.

"Five i love you too. i need you more than anything. you are the most important person in my life." You lean in and hug him tight feeling how weak he really was which made you even sadder, you just wanted to make everything better for him in that moment.

You pull back a bit and give him a light kiss on the cheek making him blush.

"I love you Five Hargreeves."

"I love you too y/n l/n"

major uwu energy 🥺 thank you sm for 500 reads already ily guys. if you didn't already know i will post a new chapter once the last one gets 150 reads. next chapter will be smut btw soo enjoy that when it comes haha

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